12 - Crumbling Pyramid & Flaming Snake Fireballs

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y/n's POV

"Well, this is just wonderful. We're all chained together on a wall above a stream of lava," I grumble.

"Yeah, this sucks," Cole agrees. "Wait, did you say lava?"

"Um, yeah. Why, did you not notice?"

Everybody else screams as they notice the lava seeping in through a pipe.

"We've got to get out of here!" Lloyd says, trying to break free from where the chain is attached to the wall. Everyone does the same, except me, because I'm on the end of the chain and I don't want us all to fly off the wall and into the scorching hot lava.

Once they're all free from the wall, I swing them back and forth until Lloyd--who's on the other end--gets high enough to grab onto the ledge above us. He uses his unchained hand to pull us all up using the chain we're all attached to. I break myself off of the wall, and push off to join them on the second level.

"Huh, I don't remember it happening like this," I say, but I don't really care that much. I look over towards Kai, who's still unconscious.

"C'mon," Nya says. "We have to find the way out."

"Why find the way out, when you can make one?" Zane asks.

Nya and I exchange glances. What does he mean?

Zane shoots a blast of ice up towards the ceiling, and it forms a hole leading up to the sky. "Let's go!" he cries, and jumps for the first level of the upwards pathway.

"Wah!" he shrieks as he comes crashing back down. "Oops. I forgot that we're still chained together."

"Ooh, ooh, I know! We can do spinjitsu!" Jay suggests, and before we can stop him, he starts his own tornado.

"Wait--" I try to say.

"Nononononono!" Lloyd cries. We all scream as we're sucked into the vortex.

"Jay!" Nya shouts, signaling that he needs to stop spinning.

"Okay, I'm willing to admit that was a terrible idea," Jay says dizzily.

"Great, now we're all tied up!" I say sarcastically.

"Y/n, try using the element of metal to bend the chains and get of out of here," Lloyd suggests.

I do as he said, and I break the chains in half. Lloyd does the same to the chains closest to him, and in no time, we're all free.

"Alright, now that we're not attached to each other anymore, let's get out of here!" Zane says, and begins jumping up level by level through the hole he made. We all go up after him, not stopping until we're standing on top of the pyramid.

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Nya asks. "There's lava surrounding the entire pyramid!"

I hear a noise coming from below us, so I peer down through the hole. To my surprise, a bunch of mummy snakes on fire come flying up towards me.

"Yowza!" I cry and stumble backward. Lloyd catches me as if I was doing a trust fall, and pushes me back up to standing. 

Without explaining myself, I grab unconscious Kai--who's heavier than I thought--and get ready to jump onto the next flaming snakey thing. 

"This might sound crazy, but I think I might know a way..."


"Ouch!" I mutter as I tumble onto the ground. "Maybe riding the snake fireballs wasn't such a great idea," I say as I rub my head.

"Where do you think Aspheera went?" Lloyd asks.

"If things are happening the way I remember, she'll be at the museum," I say.

"Okay, we'll head there."

"Ow... where am I?" Kai asks as he lifts his head.

"You're awake!" Nya exclaims.

"What happened?"

"Long story short, we rode a flaming snake fireball to New Ninjago City," Jay explains. "And now we're heading off to deal with Aspheera."

"You guys go on without me. I'll only slow you down," Kai says sadly.

"No you won't," Lloyd replies, offering him his hand. "We need you!"

"Aspheera took my power. I'm useless without it!"

"No, you're a ninja. And Ninja never quit!"

"I'm not quitting, I'm just sitting this one out!"

"Fine," Lloyd sighs, knowing better than to argue with Kai. "But if you change your mind, we'll be at the museum."


Hey guys! Wow, I published a lot of chapters today. I had a few of them already written, so that helped, but still. Writing is a lot of work. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 


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