16 - Making Plans

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Y/n's POV

"Run!" I whisper-shout to Cole, who understands, but not in time.

Just as he gets up to make a break for it, Aspheera traps them all under an immobility spell. They all stay where they are, frozen in various positions.

"We have to do something," Lloyd says, and gets up to run towards them.

"No!" I whisper, tugging him by the arm back behind the pillar. "If you go out there, you'll blow any chance we have at saving them!"


"No buts!"

I scurry around to the other side of the pillar to the outside of the walls surrounding the throne room. When Lloyd didn't follow me, I reach for the back of his gi, and pull him towards me. He yelps in surprise as he's drawn back away from looking at the scene, but he gets over his shock soon enough to follow my lead.

"Where are we going?" He asks as we run down the halls. We turn the corner into the stairwell, and head down.

"We've got to find Clouse. He's got the spell book, which, if my intuitions is correct, contains not only the spell for turning people into Anacondrai, but also to summon Garmadon."

"So... we destroy the book, and two of our problems are solved?"

"That's the plan."

———-in the basement——

"Violet!" I whisper, peering into the room where the Sons of Garmadon are meeting.

Ultraviolet looks around, searching for the source of her name. When she spots us, the mask she's holding flies out of her hands in surprise, landing just outside the door, right in front of me. People around her give her confused looks, so she just shrugs and tells them she dropped her mask.

"What are you doing here?!" She hisses, coming over to us to pick up the mask. "If you're caught..."

"We need your help," I interrupt. "All the other ninja have been captured. Our only hope is to destroy the spell book so that we can foil their plans two fold."

"Clouse has both spells memorized," Violet says with a shake of her head. "Once Chen has the ninja's powers, there'll be no stopping him."

I think for a moment, not sure what to say.

"Do you know what the master plan is?" Lloyd asks.

"Harumi is going to open a portal, and Clouse will coax Garmadon out with his spell," Violet says with a nod. "As for the army of Anacondrai, Aspheera and Chen are planning to conquer Ninjago once the spell has been cast."

"What can we do about it then?" I ask.

Violet sighs. "I'm not sure. Maybe if you kidnap Harumi or something, the plans will be delayed."

"Hell yeah, we're doing that," I say without a moment's hesitation. As mean as it sounds, I've been waiting for a chance to get back at Harumi. "I'm totally up for some old fashioned kidnapping."

"How are we gonna do that?" Lloyd asks.

"Harumi isn't at the meeting," Violet says. "Which means she's roaming around down here somewhere."

Coincidentally, we suddenly hear footsteps down the hallway.

"Well, speak of the devil," I say, peering down the hall at Harumi. I wave to her. "We were just talking about you! All good things, all good things!"

"You!" Harumi shouts, running towards us.

"Why would you let her know we're here?!" Lloyd whisper-shouts.

"She was gonna find out either way!"

"Ultraviolet?" Harumi questions. "What are you doing here?"

Violet smirks, and duct tapes her mouth. "I've always liked you better as the Quiet One," she says as she ties Harumi's hands behind her back.

"Me too," Lloyd and I reply in unison.

"Here; take her to the dungeons and free the others," Violet says, shoving Harumi towards us. "I have to get back in there."

"How are we going to open the cells?" Lloyd asks.

Violet holds up a bunch of keys. "Being a spy has its advantages."

——————-after freeing everyone———-

"Sorry, Rumi," I say to Harumi as I lock her in a cell. "But it's for the best."

"What's the plan?" Shade asks, appearing beside me.

"Don't have one," I reply. "Yet. Anyone got suggestions?"

"What if we break the new staff of elements?" Tox suggests. "Then they can't make an army of Anacondrai."

Everyone agrees that this is the best plan of action. We still need to deal with the Sons of Garmadon, but we're going to take it one step at a time.

"Who's ready to kick some butt?" Griffin asks everyone.

"Karloff! Karloff is! Karloff want to see creepy man go bye bye!"

Determining Destiny (Book 3 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)Where stories live. Discover now