11 - Serpentine Sorceress

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y/n's POV

After stumbling through the booby traps laid along the pathways in the pyramid, we reach a door.

"Ooh, a puzzle game!" Jay cries excitedly. "I'm good at these!"

"It appears that if we arrange the pieces into the proper picture, the door will open," Zane says.

I tilt my head to the side and study the scrambled picture as Jay uses a stick to move them around. While I watch him do that, Zane translates the hieroglyphics on the wall. He reads them out loud, but I'm not really paying attention. I'm trying to remember what's supposed to be behind the door. 

"Uh, oh," I say as it comes to me, and it appears that the ones reading the wall have also just realized it as well.

"Wait, don't open it!" Lloyd cries, but it's too late.

The door opens, and a colourful swirl of magic emerges from the tomb. Then, through the strange mist, a female serpentine slithers out.

I tilt my head back and groan loudly. "Why do there have to be so many mutant snakes in Ninjago?"

"Tell me where the deceiver is, and I shall show you mercy," the snake hisses.

"The who?" Kai asks.

"She must be talking about the boy from the story," Zane says.

"What story?" Jay asks. 

"The one Zane just read out loud, you idiot!" Kai exclaims. 

"What do we tell her?" Lloyd asks.

"The truth!" Nya answers, and turns to the serpentine girl. "We don't know!"

"Well, then, if you're going to hide things from me, then I'll just have to destroy you!"

"I told you this was a bad idea"! I exclaim. "But did anyone listen to me? Noooo, of course not!"

"Uh, I'll just go get some help," Clutch says, and backs away out of the room.

Everybody summons up a handful of their power, including me. We fight the snake as best we can, but she's really quick on her feet—er—tail.

"How the heck does she know spinjitsu?" Jay asks right after we were thrown to the ground by the serpentine's tornado.

"Ah, I see you are an elemental master of fire," our opponent says to Kai.

"Yeah, I am!" he replies confidently. 

"Well, not for long!"

The snake begins extracting Kai's power with some kind of spell while she continues to fight us. We do everything we can to release Kai from her spell, but we're not strong enough.

"Let my friend go, Aspheera!" I shout, charging at her.

Aspheera smiles with delight. "Ah, so, you've heard of me! At least one of you did your reading. But what a pity that I'll have to kill you eventually."

I grunt as she throws me to the side. I lift my head off the ground to see her suck in the last of Kai's power into her mouth, and as she swallows the fire, Kai falls to the ground with a groan.

"Kai!" we all shout. We rush to his side, and try to revive him, but he stays unconscious. I check his breathing, and thank goodness, he's still alive.

"In exchange for your friend's elemental power, I will spare all of your lives!" Aspheera says with an evil laugh. She then uses her powers to send us to the wall in the tomb, and somehow attaches all of our wrists to a chain.

"For now, at least."

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