22 - No Sh*t, Sherlock!

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Y/n's POV

"Why are you here?" future me asks.

"I may have screwed up a bit..."

"Yeah, no sh*t, Sherlock! The last time I saw you was ten years ago! I thought you handled the time twins!"

"Not exactly..."

"I'm guessing you sent yourself to the future instead of the past?"

"Pretty much."

"You have to go back!"

"I can't! I don't know how!"

"Sure you can! I know you can," she encourages me. "Just concentrate, and open a portal."

I think really hard, trying to focus, but I can't open a portal.

"You look kind of pale," future me says. "I think you could use something to eat."

"I don't have time for that!"

"Does it look like I care? You are going back to the bounty and grabbing some food," she orders. "I have to get back to Lloyd... dammit. I don't think I brought the gift with me."

"I brought it!" I say, and point to the bush. "I left it in there."

"You are a lifesaver. Now go!"

——-20 minutes later——-

"Auntie y/n!" Jamie says as I walk in through the door.

"Shhh!" I tell him. "Nobody can know I'm here!"


"Uh... because I'm actually y/n from the past and I've come to the future accidentally?"

"Pfft, yeah right."

"I know, funny story right? Where's your mom?"

"She's in the living room with all the aunties and uncles."

"Um, thanks," I say. "Now go run along."

I sneak down the hall and onto the kitchen and grab a bite to eat. I had just finished swallowing when Zane walks into the room.

Argh! I think. He's not suppose to see me!


That's it!

I use the power of light to make myself invisible, just like Paleman did at the tournament of elements. I look down, and notice my clothes are still visible, so I concentrate harder, and they also disappear.

"Zane, what are you doing in here?" Pixal asks as she comes into the room.

"Clover asked for a cookie," he replies. "So I'm getting him one."

"You really need to stop spoiling him," Pixal warned.

"I can't help it! It took forever for the adoption agency to answer us, and by chance, we were blessed with our lucky Clover. I have the most wonderful family in the world; I'm going to celebrate every chance I get."

"Me too," Pixal agrees. "I'm glad we have the chance to throw this surprise party for Lloyd and y/n; it's thanks to them that we were even considered to be parents. And it's too bad that they haven't had the same luck adopting."

"I know," Zane says as he heads for the cookie jar. I dodge out of the way just before he walks right through me. "I don't think y/n was prepared to find out she can't have kids, not even with IUI."

Wait, what? I think. I can't have kids? Is that because of the time punch? 

"Zane! Pixal! They'll be here in a few minutes!" Cole calls from the other room.


"Scarlett! Crimson!" Skylor calls.

I peer into the living room just as two identical girls come running towards their mother. Aww, Scarlett must have been named after her grandmother.

I really didn't think Cole would ever settle down, considering cake seems to be his one true love, but I see him standing with a guy. They're holding hands and wearing matching rings. 

"I think that's them," Nya says, peering out of the window. "Places everyone! Remember, don't yell 'surprise' until they walk through the door!"

I can feel my heart melting out of love for my friends. I desperately want this future, but I know that if I don't get back to the past and defeat the time twins, things won't end up as great as they are now.

My adrenaline starts flowing at the thought of losing my friends, and the next thing I know, there's a portal behind me. The noise it makes as it opens is muffled by the others yelling "surprise!" I'm about to walk into it, but someone sees me first.

"Told ya you could do it," a voice says. It's future me, leaning her head out of the doorway. "Now that you've seen there's a future to protect, go back and make history."

Determining Destiny (Book 3 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)Where stories live. Discover now