Chapter 40 : Arrival

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"So, the mission is failed?"(Shin)

"I'm sorry, but it seems like that."(Mia)

I sighed at disbelief.

Right now I'm back in the Adventurer Guild. 

Well, after taking the blueprint and confirm the unfinished F-35, I decided to continue the mission, but something happened.

I stepped on something, and fall into a pit fall. And by the moment I wake up, the Forest of Doom isn't in my sight anymore.

Damn, that was embarrassing.

"Well, it also your fault for not noticing the trap."(Shiki)

"No, why are you here too?"(Shin)

"Well, you seem interesting so I decide to stick with you for a period of time."(Shiki)

For some reason, this doll here also follow me after falling into the trap. She appear suddenly after I woke up.

"I want to see how much has the world grew after a thousand years."(Shiki)

"Well, suck to be you since I'm particularly not a resident of this world."(Shin)

With Shiki still sitting on my shoulder, I walked out of the guild and head back home.


(That night)

"So, your mission failed?"(Luke)

Luke was preparing dinner along with the kids. She was preparing the soup while I was preparing the table. Shiki was... still on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry..."(Shin)

"I understand. Every mission isn't easy to complete right?"(Luke)


What is this wife material she have? Do she got a level up while I was inside the cave? 

"By the way, I was thinking this for a while but, what is that thing on your shoulder?"(Luke)

"It's not a thing, watch your mouth."(Shiki)

"Eeeeeehh!! It-it spoke!"(Luke)

"Yeah, it can spoke. Rare,right?"(Shin)

"Again I said I'm not a thing!"(Shiki)

"That surprised me, is that a doll?"(Luke)

"Not just a doll,I'm a Guardian Doll. Remember that."(Shiki)

"Nope she just a doll."(Shin)


Shiki punch my face a few time but it doesn't feel hurt at all, so i don't mind it.

"So what are you going to do about the mission?"(Luke)

"Ah, about that.."(Shin)




"Yup, The Hero Squad is coming to this town."(Mia)

"By the Hero, do you mean the Hero who was supposed to kill the demon lord or something.."(Shin)

"Yup, that kind of Hero."(Mia)

"Wow, they really do exist."(Shin)

"Actually the Heroes were summoned  many months ago, and they were training inside the castle since then. According to rumours, the squad involves three man and four women, who came from another world."(Mia)

"Another world?"(Shin)

"Yup, and recently we got a letter saying that the Heroes are gonna came to this town."(Mia)

"Is there a reason they came here?"(Shin)

Mia makes a gesture that she doesn't know anything about that.

"I think it must be about strange things that occurs inside the forest."(Mia)


(End of Flashback)

"So, are you gonna participate in it?"(Luke)

"Hearing that the Hero gonna came here, I think that the matter about the forest will became a raid instead of a mere mission."(Shin)

"Well, that's hero for you."(Luke)

"What are you planning, Shin?"(Shiki)

"How do you know I'm planning something?"(Shin)

"Your faces show everything."(Shiki)

Damn, she's sharp.

That's right, I'm planning on joining the investigation raid with the Hero. Most disturbing me is the fact that the heroes were from another world,since the hero might came from the same world as me, and personally I want to see how the Hero is like.

Well, let's continue tomorrow.

For now, let's eat.


(Few days later)

The street was crowded I can't even see the guild building.

People were like....cheering for something. Is the Hero finally came? 

"Dang it....there is no end to this crowd...!"(Shin)

I tried to push my way into the crowd tot he guild. That is, until someone hit my shoulder. 


"Oh, I'm sorr---eh, Mia?"(Shin)


"What are you doing outside here?"(Shin)

"Ah! Today is not my shift. So I'm not working."(Mia)

"I any idea about this many people?"(Shin)

"The Hero has arrived to this town!!"(Mia)

"Eh? That fast!? Didn't we just informed days ago?"(Shin)

"Yes but a new letter came....which said that the Hero party came riding a dragon! It was also said that the dragon was tamed by one of his party members!!"(Mia)

Before I could reply, the crowd noisiness suddenly rose, which somehow taken me by a surprise.

"It's the Hero!!!"


"Please save our world!!"

"God has finally answered our prayers!!"

At the road, there was a parade consists of the Kingdom Royal Knights and Royal Mages. Later, the Hero party finally makes their appearance. It seems that the Hero party was riding on a luxurious, big , white coloured Royal Caravan. Well this is a version which don't have a roof. So the Hero party members face was visible from it.

But, there was something that bothers me.

This group, have I seen them before?

Wait.....that blonde hair..isn't that Itsuchi!!!??

I was surprised, knowing that the Hero were my friends back in the earth.

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