Chapter 8

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In front of me was a huge,gigantic kind of tiger.But it had a body of lion,and a tail of cobra.The cobra was hissing in the back.

A chimera.

In my world,chimera was only a mytos.It is said that chimera is a combination of failed experiment and was dumped because of it incompetence.But the chimera in this world is said to be a monster that inhabits forests and deserts.Means that this chimera is a normal 'animals' in this world.

When the blast was blown out from its mouth,I summoned the <Tungsten Shield> from my inventory.Good enough that the shield could withstand that kind of attack.It's the expensive and rare metal from earth.

"Umm.....who are you?What happened?"(Alice)

"Uh?Ah!My name Shin!Pleased to meet you."(Shin)

Behind me was a girl who was injured around her ankle.Looks like its stuck huh?

"Alice!Are you hurt?!"(Vita)

A black-haired ponytail girl came rushing from back along with her friends.There also a girl engulfed with robe and a man with a broken looking shield.

"Yes.I'm okay.This man saved me."(Alice)

I her name was Alice.

"You are...."(Vita)

"Ah!My name Shin!An adventurer."(Shin)

"I'm Vita,a swordsman.This girl is alice,a priest.Those are our companion,Nisa the magician and Greg the warrior."(Vita)

That was some pretty nice combination.

"Ummm...what did you do just now?"(Alice)



"Watch out!"(Shin)

I pulled them from a devastating series of wind shot.Those are magic?Those shots from the chimera did clear up the forest.

"<Plasma Katana>!"(Shin)

Light engulfed in my hand as I dashed through to the chimera.The katana I held cut through all the wind shots from the chimera.Its swings out his claws from upwards,making me evade tot he air.

"Wh....what was that magic?!"(Nisa) 

Its strange huh?From the mythos a chimera was a fire breathing monster that can even melt metals.But this chimera was a beast that shoots wind bullets from its mouth.The bullets was still dangerous even so.

I chant <High-speed movement> and dashes towards the chimera head.


"Stop it!That chimera had some kind of magic barrier!"(Greg)


"Barrier or whatever...theres nothing my inventions can't cut throouugghhhh!!!"(Shin)

The katana shine greatly while cutting the magic barrier around the chimera.The chimera who realized his barrier are getting cutted,opens up his mouth.

"It's that blast again!!"(Alice)

A blast?

When I looked downwards,the chimera was gathering magic inside his mouth.I could felt the dreadness those magic are.

Don't worry!Countermeasures already complete!

"<Summon Inventions>!<Beam Pile Cannon>!"(Shin)

My left hand starting to engulf in light until a large pile bunker appeared sticking to my hand.This is <Beam Pile Cannon>,a type of pile bunker I created that can penetrates any kind of armor.Its size was as big as ballistic missile,can penetrates into any layer of armor.

And right now,I was 'experimenting' if it can penetrate this chimera's blast.


The pile bunker clashes with the magic blast,forming large spark and scatters everywhere inside the forest.

"This is dangerous!Get into my barrier!"(Nisa)

After a couple of seconds,the pile bunker finally breaks through the blast.Right now I'm directly in front of his mouth.Due to shock,the chimera try to chomp me using his mouth.

"<Beam Blast>!!"(Shin) 


In an instant,the pile bunker make a thunderous noise,soars into the chimera's body and incinerates it.A big hole could be seen inside his body,along with the forest behind the chimera.

That was the blast of <Beam Pile Cannon>.It generates beam and enveloped the pile bunker,and then shoots the pile with tremendous strength.During the test at my world,the metal pile was disappeared after the blast.

My feet landed safely to the ground.Along with the defeated chimera which is,doesn't look like a chimera anymore.

"What tremendous power..."(Alice)

Ah!They came out from the forest.

"That that really magic?"(Nisa)

"What kind of magic weapon was that?"(Vita)

Vita curiously looking at my katana and pile bunker.After a while I <dematerializing> it and return it to my inventory.

"You....just now you said you're an adventurer.Which rank are you?"(Vita)

"Hmmm?I just registered today.So I'm a F-rank.Ahhahaha"(Shin)

I laugh while touching my back head.

"Oh that's right!"(Shin)

I take out something and throws at them.Vita caught it carefully and analyze the item.

"Th....this is!?This is chimera fang!"(Vita)

"Really!?Let me take a look!"(Greg)

They take turns looking at the fang.

"The chimera disintegrate suddenly and leave those fangs aside.You can just take it."(Shin)

"Ehhh!?Is it really okay to give something this valuable to us?"(Alice)

It is valuable!?Right!Time to make money!

"Dont worry!I've got plenty of other item here.You guys are the first one to challenge it,right?So at least you can take the rewards too."(Shin)

"Thank you very much.We will accept this gratefully."(Vita)

"By the way,we are going back to Osura.Wanna follow?"(greg)

I came to this forest to do some goblin subjugation though.Maybe that can be done tomorrow.After all i've defeated some valuable monster though.

I accepted their invitation and follow them back to Osura.Alice suddenly shouted behind me.

"Ah!!Shin you are injured!"(Alice)

"Eh!Where?!Oh its at my shoulder."(Shin)

I realized my shoulder was bleeding a lot.Why does it doesn't feel hurt?The wound looks pretty hurtful.

"Please stay Calm.<Heal>!"(Alice)

Alice chants something from her mouth and a bright light engulfed my body.Ohhh,it feels lighter than before,what is this warm feeling.

"I...its okay!It will heals itself so---"(Shin)

'Just let her be.She was a priest.healing people was her job."said Vita while smiling.

After a while,the healing process complete.Although I doesnt feel pain from the start,the wound was completely closed.That was really surprising.

  "Thank you,alice"(Shin)  

"I...want least pay you my gratitude for saving me before."(Alice)

She said it with a shy face.Does she was this cute before? 

My Own Technologies Could Rivals Magic In Another World!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora