Chapter 9

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After leaving the forest,I and the party entered to the adventurer guild first to take the bounty on the chimera's fang.It said that the chimera fang make a good material in the making of weapon.It is considered high-class material because of the risk to get it.

"Welcome back!Oh my!If it isn't Alice!How can I help you?"(Mia)

Mia the receptionists greets us at the counter.Looks like she realize I was with them.

By the way,She seems to know Alice before.

"Umm....I want to sell this item."(Alice)

Alice put a pouch on the counter.Mia takes it and open the pouch before she freezes.

"Th....this is!?Chimera's fang!H...How did you did it?"(Mia)

She had a face of like a kid who got a present from their parents.

"Its not us though that defeat that monster."(Vita)

Vita turns her head towards me who was smelling something.

"This guy kills the chimera.Besides he is using some weird magic along it."(Greg)

When they said it like that,it feels like I wanna scram out of here.But,money is money.

"I know that you can't believe me but....could you at least sell this item too?"(Shin)

Mia the takes my pouch and opened it.

"This time a chimera's fur!!!more chimera's fang!There's even chimera's eyeball!!"(Mia)

"P....please calm down!'(Alice)

Mia who suddenly came back to her sense coughing for a bit.She corrects her posture and summons back her cool.

" it was Shin who defeated the chimera huh?"(Mia)

Mia takes the pouch and brings it to the back.

"Well it doesn't surprising since Shin defeated our guildmaster too."(Mia)

At that time I can sense the party had their eyes opened.

"What the hell!You defeated that baldie!?"(Greg)

"Eh!?Why are you so surprised?"(shin)

"The baldie might seem like that,but he was a retired knight and also ex-S-rank adventurer too.You could say that he was the strongest person in this town,after the son of this town governor."(Vita)

Really!?That Thomas guy was that strong?No,no,he did crack the ground into two so he might be pretty strong.

"Your weird magic must be involved in this case right?"(Nisa)

Nisa stares at me with eyes full of curiosity.I might melt if you stare me like that.

"Everyone,this is your reward."(Mia)

Mia bring out two small bags filled with gold coins.

"This one is the reward from the chimera's fang which is 10 gold.while this reward of 30 gold is for Shin."(Mia)

"So many!?"(Alice)

I was astonished by the glittering shine the gold coins made.

We walked out the adventurer guild after taking our rewards.It seems that the day are going to dark soon.

"I think I will stay a night or two in an inn."(shin)

"Ah!You are staying too?How bout staying in the same inn like us?It has good food and great bed you know.One of people attraction."(Alice)

Alice looked very happy when inviting me.Somehow it feels like a girl inviting me to their house.

"That's good too.I can save time finding a suitable inn."(Shin)

"Well then,let's go!"(Alice)

She pulls my hand to follow her.

My Own Technologies Could Rivals Magic In Another World!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें