Chapter 5

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I walked through the road Elena shown before to head to the adventurers guild.They said that adventurer is at least proper job in this world,after a bit of interviewing many people.They are many kinds of jobs in this world.Most of them is out of common sense for me who came from another world.

To start of,I need to became an adventurer first.Maybe there was some nice job waiting for me there.

There said to be a lot kind of adventurers,





Magic warrior,


There was also a job other than adventurers too,


Kingdom Soldier,





its too much,I cant tell.

Knight was a job outside of adventurer guild jurisdiction huh?Does a knight works in some kind of Imperial Army in this kingdom?

While thinking that,my footstep finally reached the said building.A big, much look like a small castle,at the centre of the town,the Adventurers guild.

From the side I can see people wearing something like a robe,hat like a witch moving around.They also someone who had a big sword behind their backs.Whats that?A staff?That was some big staff,embedded with a large red crystal.Someone might die if smashed by that.

With courage,I opened the wooden door of the building.Looks like its more livelier here.People are laughing each other and receptionist are having their bussiness with other adventurers.

I walked to the counter where there is no adventurers.

"Excuse me,is this the adventurer guild?"(Shin)

The receptionist was a cute girl too.She had a blond hair which was pigtailed and a pure white skin with pointed ears.Eh?Pointed ears?Is she an elf?

Damn she cute,is she a same age as me?

"Are you new here?That's right,this is the adventurer guild of Osura Town.What can I help you?"(Elf receptionists)

It feels like a bloom of white feathers and light hit my face.What with the splendid voice?

" can I became a adventurer?"(Shin)

I smiled wryly towards her.

"You want to.....became an adventurer?"(Elf receptionist)

The receptionist eyes were moving up and down along with her head.What is she doing?Is she judging me by my appearance?Well I know im a bit short but it doesnt mean that i can't---

"I'm sorry,but people can became an adventurer after reaching or passing the limit of 15 years old."(Elf receptionist)


"Eh!?Wait!I'm 15 though?"(Shin)

"Ehhhh!?Really?But you are a bit short for 15----"(Elf receptionist)

Thats harsh!

Someone from the back suddenly hold my shoulder.From my perspective,it was a big,rough hands,maybe an adult.My body turned to the back.

And there was a bald man with some ruthless face.There was a small scar on left cheek.

"Kid,do you have bussiness here?"(Bald man)

My Own Technologies Could Rivals Magic In Another World!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang