Chapter 10

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As we walked through the street,smells of people selling their food starts entering my nose.Really,I want some potato chips or carbonated drinks or hot coffee right now.I always lives alone in my lab so eating proper food was impossible for me.I can cook,but my focus when in lab was at my invention rather than my own health.

After a long walk,we arrived at an inn,called MoonHushes.This inn was pretty big too,being a 3-storey building with a lot of window.

"We have arrived.This is our inn,MoonHushes.This inn was popular among adventurers in this town."(Alice)

Before I could reply,a girl shows up from inside,wearing a slight maid outfit.She was about my tall.

"Is it customer?!Welcome to MoonHushes!Do you want to stay a night?"(Girl)

The girl with maid outfit had a glittering eyes while looking at me.My feet backed a bit with that surprise attack.

"Tia!That was rude for our customer!"(woman)

Then a woman with a slightly big bulges shows up.She also wearing some sort of maid outfit?No,no that was a normal blouse for village woman right.She wearing an apron there.But,that bouncing thing was great patronage for men.Thank you very much.

" just thinking something lewd right?"(Alice)


"No,no,no!Definitely not!"(Shin)

Alice make puffed face while staring daggers at me.

"Oh customer!It rude to make you standing long there.Come on!Let's go in."(Woman)

The inside really was astonishing.While the outside was looking like a quiet place,its inside was full with people drinking,eating and laughing each other.

"Welcome to our inn,MoonHushes.I'm the owner,Maria.This girl here is my daughter,Tia."(Maria)

"Welcome!My name Tia!"(Tia)

After thinking back,they really look alike.I wonder if Tia will grown up like her mother.

"The basement of this inn work as restaurant in daylight,and a bar in night."(Alice)

"Oh my!Its good to see you again,Alice.Would you like to had dinner first?"(Maria)

By the way,Greg,Vita and Nisa are not here.It seems like they had their own house.The same as Alice,she only just show me the way to this inn.

"Yes!Please do so."(Alice)

"By the way,I haven't know your name yet?"(Maria)

"Ah!I'm so sorry!My name Shin."(Shin)

"Welcome,Shin.Do you want to stay a night or two?"(Maria)

"Before that,what is the fee for staying?"(Shin)

"Staying for a week is 5 silver coin.For a month is 2 gold coin.If you are to include breakfast and dinner,it would be 4 gold per month."(Maria)

Thinking of my expenses,that was affordable for an adventurer.It is not cheap,but there was breakfast and dinner there right?

"Well,I'm not gonna stay too long in this town.So,let's make it one month.Ah!With breakfast and dinner please."(Shin)

"Understand.That would be 4 gold coins.Tia will show you the way to your room."(Maria)

After paying the fees,I follow Tia to the 2nd floor.

Wow!There was so many doors.Like a mansion.

"This will be your room from now on.And then,this is the key!"(Tia)

Tia gave me a key embedded with a keychain showing a number.

"If your key missing,you can request for a duplicate at the counter.However,it will be for 3 silver coin."(Tia)

Let's hope this key doesn't missing.

"I'm going downstair to help my father.See you later!"(Tia)

"Right.Thank you,Tia"(shin)


Let's take a bath first.


"Ah!There you are,shin!I was waiting for long!"(Alice)

"Hahaha.Sorry,sorry.I was taking a bath and napping a bit up there."(Shin)

When I reached downstairs,Alice was sitting there with a lot of food.But none of them has been touched yet.

"The food going to get cold you know."(Alice)

"Why don't you ate first?"(Shin)

"I've already ate long ago.This is your food."(Alice)

"Eh!?I've not ordered anything before."(Shin)

"It's alright.This is my treat.Considered it my thanks for saving me back in the forest."(Alice)

"Really!?Thank you very much!"(Shin)

It's alright to eat this sinful delicious looking food right!?


I take a bite of the meat.


A shock runs through my body.The juicy yet tender meat which is braised for a long time...melting in my mouth.Despite lukewarm,the spice of the sauce are popping!

I wonder if normal people it this everyday?Lucky them!

"You really are easygoing,huh?"(Alice)

"Hmm?No,I haven't eating proper food this is truly a bliss!"(Shin)

Alice was laughing a little when looking at me.Whatever,I'm going to chomp all of this!

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