[ ch 33. artillery and blood ]

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A/N: I hope you guys are healthy and safe out there!! I might've said it before, but this season will end up having a lot more chapters than the first one. It will go a bit slower at times too, just to delve into each character and Wraith's dynamic w them. Please take care of yourselves and enjoy!

(Attached a song above that inspired some of the dynamics in this squad, bwahaha.)

// training area, king's canyon

I barely breathe. I peek over a rock ledge with its thick layer of dust sitting close to my cheek. I'm hidden in one of the highest rocky points of the practice area, dotted with dozens of targets below me. It gives me a strange turn in my stomach, since it was the type of angle Alexander used to nearly kill Pathfinder last season. I ignore the feeling, for now; I needed to focus. There's a cool, low hiss out of my silver-plated Havoc as I lower it.

Where'd she go? I shift my gaze to avoid the sun's glare as I sling the rifle onto my back.

It felt like eons, but it was actually only six months ago when I was practicing here with Path and Elliot. Admittedly, it was a completely different experience. For one, Elliot wasn't trying to reenact sexy scenes with his clones while I was or wasn't looking. Second, butterflies roamed free without Pathfinder getting distracted and chasing them.

The biggest difference so far? Bangalore and Bloodhound were incredibly focused.

Lately, even more focused than me.

My hand grips my rifle again as I hear the grit of the rocks, but I was too slow. I suddenly feel the weight from under me disappear. Anita snaps her leg through mine, and locks my shin as I fall, knees first, onto the ground.

I feel a bitter metallic taste in my mouth. Blood? My tongue is nearly numb with throbbing aches; I must've bitten it. As I roll off to the side and take out my Havoc, Anita already has an R-99 pointed at my face. "What's the matter, sunshine? I never get the pull that kind of play on you," she says with a coy, preying look.

My eyes narrow defensively. "I was distracted, yeah." My eyes slowly drift to the crystal sheen of her perfect dark and smooth skin, with drops of sweat curving deeper into her sports bra. Did Anita's thighs always look that wide... or is it just my angle right now? I quickly try to establish eye contact again, and smile heatedly and nervously.

"It's flattering, but you should stop thinking about how damn fine I am once in awhile." She winks confidently. I groan as the back of my head hits the ground with a 'thud.'

Then, I look away as I sit up, and spit the loose fluid from my mouth. "Damnit, Anita," I chuckle hoarsely, wiping my mouth. "I've got other things on my mind too, you know."

Suddenly, Anita's eyes widen.

I give her a confused look. No squad is perfect, even though we were all some of the top legends of the Ring. It was moments like these that I remembered my squad's flaws.

Mainly, they treated me like a baby and they were my first-time parents.

"Is that blood?" Anita asks urgently, kneeling near me as she looks close at my slightly tinted saliva on the ground.

I cringe. "Yeah, I bit my—"

I hear a filtered heavy accent say near me, "Bloodth? Where?" Bloodhound's (or Ástin as I still called him) blonde hair falls evenly across their symmetrical face as their broad frame leans over my other side, seemingly out of nowhere. Like Anita, they weren't wearing their combat suit; instead, an all-black cargo pants and a loose, flat shirt that sit flatteringly on their lean frame. They wanted to practice climbing without their armor. However, they still kept the lower gas mask over their face to practice balance with its janky weight.

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