[ ch 31. wattson ]

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A/N - A 2k word chapter, YAYY for kicking this off finally ❤️ Remember the lore changes mentioned earlier! Planet A32 is now regarded as Solace itself!

A/N #2 - Quick note! The off season chapter "alexander & the ghost" is an excellent lead-up into this chapter, as it explains some of the reason for later events. Also, sorry for being MIA!! I left an announcement on my profile about it 💕

// the greenhouse, solace, wraith, mirage, and path's new home

When you're famous, society starts interpreting you in weird ways. Some teenager's blog once described me as 'pessimistic.' I wouldn't. Years ago, I had braced myself for a cold and unforgiving reality-- waking up in a mental facility that sedated and tortured me had inspired expectations for how I thought my life would be: relentless agony I'd have little control over. But I wasn't pessimistic. I wasn't lacking hope that I could overcome it; I would be dead by now if I thought I couldn't find a way to win.

Though, my expectations of life's battle have been tested lately. I've spent the few months--and even now--watching Elliot rearrange the coffee table while Pathfinder focuses his optics from afar, giving his unwanted analytical opinion. And honestly? It's hardly agonizing. I find a resting smile on my lips as they bicker over the room's geometry. I wonder: is reality as cold as I suspected, or is it an uncomfortable mix of everything?

I shifted in the sofa as I crossed my arms, still finding it odd how comfortable I really felt-- even if I was the one to suggest building and living in this mountain home with the boys. I remember Elliot's coyness about that; he was quick to name it, too, "the Greenhouse." We figured it was kinda cute, and not entirely inaccurate; we had a rather vast garden beside the home. But the luxuries weren't what made it worthwhile. I no longer cared if we were in different squads; I simply couldn't imagining getting through the Games without them. The bond we made... well, it surpassed my concern for everything else.

The tanned man in casual tank top and jean shorts huffs his breath after shoving the table a little farther from dark leather sofa, where I sat. "Happy yet, Path?" Elliot rolls his eyes. "Never thought a goddamn robot had a feng shui radar."

Path taps the bottom of his optic face before he beeps cheerfully, "A few more centimeters to the left, and it will be in perfect harmony with our symmetrical seating!" A loud, dramatic groan leaves the tricker's mouth as he wipes his face, near insanity. I chuckle with a cracking smile.

The past few months were far more busy than I expected. No wonder everyone wanted to be an Apex Champion so badly. The job offers became consistant and well-paying; I only had time to take on a couple with Elliot, mostly to help investigate dangerous problems in the mining facilities on Solace. We saved a few lives, killed hundreds of oversized cavern spider queens and even more of other pests and threats. Nothing with too much bravado, honestly-- unlike Pathfinder, who took up a job for reality television. Now that was unusual. We caught one episode of it and it was just Pathfinder in a house with a bunch of men... doing random things to prove how desirable they are. The Outlands voted which bachlor was kept and sent out of the house. While Path got voted out halfway through the season, it's still amazing that the swimsuit portion even did anything for Path's popularity. Among tall, studded and handsome male contestants, Path placed second in very thigh-tight red swim trunks.

A few centimeters later, the wooden coffee table reaches peak 'harmony' and Pathfinder claps joyously. "Excellent, friends!!" he cheers. "I love our home!"

I grab Path's arm with a grin, squeezing it before walking off into the kitchen. "Me too, Path. This place..." I gaze out the window, overwhelmed by the natural greenery and foilage for just a moment. There's a deep calm in my chest. "It's the most gorgeous place I've ever seen," I whisper. "Hard to believe we're not that far from the colony."

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