[ ch 5. broken optics ]

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Art credit- hanjosi from twitter. A fun piece I had to share bahaha

Music credit - Jayv, "donuts and coffee"

Edit: IGNORE the old lore note below. Respawn confirmed that the planet is Solace, and I'm changing all references to A32 (my old placeholder name) to Solace!
Lore note: The planet that King's Canyon is on actually doesn't have a name; Respawn never mentions or clarifies. For the sake of this continuing story, I will be naming it A32.

Edit 1 & 2 - Updated title and changed some wording around.

// wraith's room

We secured our first round as a win-- it felt almost too quick to be real. To be honest, everything went smoothly after the confrontation with Bloodhound. Though when I analyze the situation, we simply had a lucky draw of loot. With limited weapons and ammo upon landing, I know we could've ended the Apex Games there.

I get out of the bathroom, having just washed my face before bed. The bare necessities of my room weren't all chosen from lack of interest. I couldn't afford much besides the small view available from my desk's window. I lived on mainland, 50 miles from King's Canyon, and it was enough to enjoy what's left of this beautiful place. I suppose that's what war does best to planets like Solace — excite society into picking up the pieces. 

Maybe that seems cynical; I'm not big on celebrations. After the win, our squad had celebrated with gunfire and laughter, of course, but nothing wild afterwards. I think about how Path seemed distracted despite the win. And while Mirage wanted to drink the night away in celebration, I didn't feel like conversation and liquid mind-numbing. Just a little music before I sleep.

Music was the first thing I found when I got free from the IMC. With no food or money needed to survive, trash was the first place I could start. I remember someone forgot a small rickety stereo radio in a trashed alley; it was clearly thrown from the cracks in its grey plastic. But it still works, holding twenty songs in its hard drive on top of its radio capacity. Nothing impressive; only precious. I've kept it ever since. 

I took out the small handheld stereo from my closet, clicking on a song I listened to often-- although, I haven't shown it to anyone (See pg2 of banner for YT audio). The beat is soft in rythmn, non-threatening and sweet in melody. Only dark blues and moonlight seep into my room. I try to escape to that part of me that longs for peace. The girl that didn't want to hurt anyone anymore, even if she needed to survive at any cost.

I lay down on my bed, above the cool thin sheets, and I feel tension leave my body. Maybe music simply drowned out the chaos for a little while. I stare at my ceiling-- longing for the inner silence I lacked.

Suddenly, I hear a flutter of wings. I sit up slowly, looking around the room, then the small window near my dusty wooden desk-- surely enough, there was a raven. I would've left it alone, yet it kept a purposeful stare at me. After a few moments, I give in to curiousity. I crack the window open.

I jolt back as I see a red glove suddenly grab the window ledge. Shocked, I act on instinct alone. While in my predictable tank top night wear, I take a strong step forward before snapping a punch towards the rising figure. Suddenly, they catch my wrist.

They pull themselves up gently. I gape at the most brilliant blue eyes I've ever seen.

"Bloodhound?" I say under my breath, easing my fist. They had no goggles-- just their signature gas mask and peeks of long, blonde hair. I feel stupidly confused, though out of respect I raised the window more. They grunt as they climb through, no doubt having their breath focus on sliding themselves into the room... It is on the fifth floor.

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