[ ch 19. the fox & the hound ]

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Art Credit - Beautiful rendering done by @lyksedi on Twitter!

A/N - There's a bit of set-up, but this is the first chapter to reach 3k words ❤️ When I started out, chapters were always a little over 1k... then 1.6k-2.5k.... Why do I torture myself like this 😂

edit 1- typos uwu
major edit 2 - changed a name later in the chapter! previous readers will catch on right away.
edit 3- changed chapter name because this is cuter gawddangit
edit 4 - smol typo again ?!?!

// a blurry grey space, ?
(Check YT video for optional audio!)

One of the upbeat songs from my radio is playing. I never really liked it-- it was too flowery and it always seems to romanticize a feeling that I couldn't understand. Suddenly, I feel my legs tangled with someone else's. I'm against a wall. This person's calfs are muscled yet lanky, and their bulky groin presses against mine with playful aggresiveness, despite both of us feeling clothed. I'm not controlling my own body, and I don't even seem flustered by the situation. My palms curve smoothly over this person's back like I've memorized it. Their warm cheek presses against mine as they cuddle into my shoulder. My eyes are closed as I'm laughing, their breath tickling my neck. "We need to stop," I whisper between a smirk. "It's busy today. Someone will see us."

The music begins to distort. Their reply sounds distant and clogged, and I can't pinpoint the words or tone-- then, a pierced tongue touches my neck.

// wraith's room, next early morning

I wake up from a... dream. My face feels hot as I immediately push off my sheets and I glare around my room, making sure nobody was present. Everything is silent and empty, as usual. I'm alone.

What the hell was that then?

A fantasy? Or a memory? I hardly ever got memories about my past. This would be the first. It just didn't make sense-- why would the same song on my radio play during it? And why would I imagine a pierced tongue, the gentle slide of a round piercing, if I've never actually felt one?

I press my eyelids, suppressing my confusion to focus on anything else. I did feel well-rested, I realize. Which feels surprising, considering all that unfolded, as well as the amount Anita spun me around. Somehow, I had enough calmness within me to keep moving forward.

After a short cold shower, I put on a loose white t-shirt and the comfortable dark leather-strapped pants I had with my boots. I hadn't forgotten about my arrangement with Bloodhound. Things were just changed around a bit, since the events of yesterday. I thought maybe we'd just have breakfast together, but now I feel too restless to sit down. A morning hike sounds nice.

I hear sudden loud tapping on my window. I quickly hurry rubbing my hair with the towel before skipping out of my bathroom to greet them. Even if my window shouldn't be a front door for Bloodhound, I think with slight amusement. But it's not them. A raven sits on the window ceil, waiting with a paper in its mouth. With narrowed eyes, I open the window carefully, then take the folded paper. I unwravel the message.

Tell me where to meet you. Delivery bird aside, Bloodhound didn't need to add a signature-- the handwriting is as elegant as they were.

From my desk, I write a response on the paper and pass it to the raven. A couple black feathers slip into my room as it flies away.

// foxtail mountain, A32 mainland

The nearby mountain, Foxtail, had an unusual ombre of dark to whitish rocks upon the peak, earning its name. It almost looked like snow from afar-- though it wasn't truly tall enough to have its own snowfall from A32's warm climate. It was probably the most unique landmark that was convienent to get to, considering how different it is from King's Canyon. The flora is lush with forest and variety of flowers at the basin, thinning as the atmosphere did. And there's fauna: rabbits, squirrels, birds, and, of course, foxes could actually be spotted around here.

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