[ ch 22. always with her ]

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Art credit - Gerryarthur on instagram, absolutely phenomenal artist.

// elliot's bedroom, midnight

No nightmares.

No paranoia.

I slept as peacefully as a girl with Void voices in her head could. There was nothing that could touch me, except Elliot. His deep sandy musk hugged me from every angle as his bare muscled arms and torso clung to me. I don't remember how I shifted in my sleep-- but I wake up groggily, colder than usual, as I see Elliot's scarred tan shoulders hunched and sitting up on the edge of the bed. The room is very dark, only lit by moonlight and casted in long shadows.

I can barely raise my face from the pillow in exaustion. I remind myself that the situation was entirely bizzare, yet I feel lax about it, as if this were another extension of our friendship. But why? How could this ever be natural for me, of all people?

Before I could say anything to him, I yawn quietly. Elliot turns around, his arm pressing into the sheet as he leans over. "You a-awake?" he whispers, nervous.

All of my usual logic evaporates in my sleepy and selfish state. I didn't have time for the puppy's whining; I needed the cuddling back. "No," I groan as I shove my face into a pillow. Elliot is quiet, unmoving-- I can feel it even though my eyes are shut. Is he staring at me? "What?" I moan, getting annoyed. I don't waaaant to talk. The sleep felt so good.

"Oh my god," he says in shock. "I am awake?"

"Yes!" I finally shout as I rise off the pillow-- but I grab it and take it with me as I roll away from him. He has no idea how exhausted I've been the past few days.

Elliot chuckles before I hear him shuffle over the blankets to me. "What the hell?" he whispers amusingly. His face gets close to mine, right next to my ear. "How'd you go from hating me to cuddling me?"

I start to feel my cheeks heaten quickly-- I didn't even have a reasonable answer for him. I squeeze my pillow into my face. "I don't fucking know," I murmur, muffled. "I'm so tired, Elliot. Stop waking me up."

I could already see his wide, dumb smile in my mind. "Am I allowed to hug you still?" he asks almost whimsically.

"Yes, damnit," I grunt as I squeeze my eyes. The lingering sleepiness will escape me if Elliot keeps distracting me. His bed is also the softest bed I've ever experienced. My bed is far more rigid than I realized.

I don't feel his embrace; he's hesitating. "You don't mind that I'm...?" His voice drifts as I hear his hand press across his bare chest.

"No," I relent quietly, relaxing my shoulders as I slip back into a foggier state. I feel him carefully clutch my waist as his torso inches closer, far more timidly and shy than the drunken Elliot. Heat rises in my stomach, realizing how close we really are. But I push it out of my mind as I sink deeper into the pillow. In that moment, rest was necessary above everything else. I fall asleep again as every tension in my body laxes completely.

// the next morning

I wake up with fuller senses-- I feel the back of Elliot's hand stroking my cheek. My vision adjusts to the new light as I squint at the trickster, laying beside me and facing me. His warm chocolate eyes search my expression; but I don't know what for. I blush, but surprisingly, I don't even flinch. My gaze still feels sleepy as I notice he's dressed in a white tshirt and jean shorts. His room is cleaner now, with far less opened bottles and bathing in warm early tints of sunlight. I feel a slight comfortable chill and hear birds chirping louder than usual; he had opened one of the windows a bit.

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