[ ch 12. ajay / a tomb, a secret ]

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edit 1 - Whoops! I forgot this transitioning first paragraph, added it now ❤️

// bangalore's weaponry, A32 mainland

The celebration feast had gone well. I even ended up enjoying Elliot's strange cheesy mashed potatoes-- but no part of myself could truly relax. My chest felt like knotted rope, full of stuck, unanswered questions. And Bloodhound left before they could answer any of them. Their mystery gave me a lot of unrest, a determination for clarity.

The next day, I loudly knock on Anita's steel front door; the lit sign says 'closed' despite it being midday. I stand and cross my arms patiently. Bangalore seemed praugmatic and clear-headed. I felt a desperate need for her advice.

My heart and mind have always been a storm I've learned to weather-- but now, it's starting tear at me. I kept thinkng about Elliot's words. Did I love anyone? What could I compare it to? Whenever I think about Bloodhound's taste, I couldn't recreate the comfort I intially felt-- all that was left was fear and cautiousness. Maybe it meant that I wasn't ready to know. I didn't think I'd ask Anita any of this explicitly, but something about her always put my logic in the right place.

I sigh as I begin to step away from the store. I glance around-- a figure walks past me. It's a girl with two pink hair buns and unusual energy in her stance. Her back... It was familiar. My eyes widen in sudden memory. I've seen her white-canvas like shirt before; how quickly it soaked in red when I shot it.

Quickly, I jog up and tap her shoulder. "Hey. You're on Bloodhound's squad, aren't you?"

The girl turns with a guarded expression. Then, to my surprise, she smiles widely me, beautiful pearly teeth against her dark toned lips. "Ain'tcha Wraith?" she asks in an unexpected accent.

I nod. "Can I speak with you?"

Her eyes flare with suspicion, but playfulness. She rests her knuckles on her hips. "I didn't say I was di girl you're lookin' for."

My lips press together. Then, I stumble into my pockets, and pull out the Odin coin Bloodhound gave me. "Look," I mutter roughly, "Your once-champion squadmate gave me this. Does it mean anything to you?"

Her brows raise slightly. Her gaze seems to scan me, as if she could see through me. "Well look at dat... Bloodhound got a lot of nerve," she grins. I stare blankly. The girl tilts her head. "C'mon, follow me.~"

I nod slowly, though immediately the pink-haired girl sprints away. She grins widely as she looks back at me. "You got needles in yuh boots? Move it or lose it!!" She runs faster with a girlish giggle. I've rarely ever met a girl as... energetic as her. Especially in the Outlands.

// abandoned IMC warehouses, A32 Mainland

It took ten minutes for her to slow down. We passed the market, the mess halls, the pubs and housing... Somewhere in this corner of the A32's civilian area, there was an alleyway between two abandoned IMC warehouse buildings. Nature had begun to reclaim the place. It honestly didn't look too different from the Repulsor in King's Canyon-- except the buildings were far closer together and the alleys seemed narrow between them.

"Aight, slow yuh roll before yuh get shot," the girl calls out before easing into a walk towards the alley.

I begin walking, and look around, confused. "I don't feel like we got eyes on us."

The girl turns and smirks at me, still moving with a hoppity backwards stride. "Nah, not yet. But with pretty face like yours, yuh shouldn't risk it."

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