[ ch 1. elliot ]

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It used to be hard to tell whether the void's voices were me or not. Imagine your own thoughts saying something different to you. Some days, I don't know how I survived waking up, locked in that mental instution, or how I even escaped. I barely remember anything but the raw, primal desire for freedom. It was all a blur-- ripping my way through the stale, white halls. Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't trying to escape them. I was trying to escape myself.

But not anymore. Most days, I know what matters most.

"Trust yourself," I tell Mirage as I sit lax against a steel chair. Our squad agreed to spend a day at the training area, but Path and I were more diligent about it than the pretty boy. The corner of Mirage's beard lifts, hinting a smirk, as he raises a beautiful red Longbow. He mentioned being mainly a close to mid-range fighter-- but you never know what gun you'll find in a match. We all need broad skill sets, but sniping happens to be my specialty.

"Why wouldn't I?" He replies, scoffing with a jesting smile. "With these looks, c'mon..." I look away into the training grounds. The Apex Games' shooting range was well-made, wide, and open air. A Leviatian skeleton overhung above us, and rows of close, mid-range, and distant targets were abundant. And that perfectly light blue sky was hard to ignore. Hard to not enjoy.

Pathfinder wasn't missing from the scene, of course. In fact, his grapple is a rather loud reminder-- he swung effortlessly between buildings, a practice he insists on despite being 99.9% reliable at it. I'd be running up there with him, but I had been running and shooting for hours from arriving early-- the sweat inside my leather outfit clung to my skin. I swing another gulp of water out of the flask from my belt, and shake my scarf to blow cool air down my neck.

Then, a glare from Mirage's pristine sniper flashes my sight. It wouldn't have bothered me as much if I didn't see the man snickering as he twirled the gun, creating a faux disco in my quiet corner of the range. I roll my eyes. "Nobody cares if you kill them with a red, pink, blue, or polka dot Longbow. Hell, it's best that they don't even see it." There's a pause between us before I gesture to the targets, annoyed. "Can you take the shot already?" I shouldn't be surprised anymore. Mirage always had to be funny, and always had kill in style. He carries his fame so easily, like he was born with it.

He flashes a confident grin. "Oh yeah, lady, I didn't forget." He glances back at the range, and suddenly fires three shots in succession.

"Path?" I call out loudly. I see his grapple latch onto Mirage's tiny target, 500 meters away, and as the robot leaps forward, he lands in front of it before looking around himself.

A faint blue color shows from Pathfinder's screen. "All of them missed, friend!"

Mirage's tanned skin runs a shade redder. "No that's perfect, now you're exactly where I want you!" He shouts angrily. I shouldn't have found it funny, so I stifle a giggle. Part of me thinks he planned to blame Path from the start. Mirage glances at me quickly with an unexpecting wide grin. "Ooh, you can't hide that from me, missy. I made you laugh, didn't I? Tell me I made you laugh!"

I shake my head, disguising it into a cough behind my fist. I mutter, "Whew, it's dusty in here, isn't it Mirage?" He chuckles.


"What?" I call out, feeling I misheard him. Pathfinder grapples towards us and lands cleanly-- his clanking steps approaching behind the trickster. His monitor showed a confused expression.

"Call me Elliot." He smirks weakly. "I like to hear my real name sometimes. Nobody else remembers it. Might as well let my teammates, yeah?" I raise a brow, curious. Pathfinder raises a finger to speak, but Elliot coughs as he presses his sunbeaten cheek, "Damn, it is dusty in here."

I smile slightly at Pathfinder, then Mirage. "We'll call you whatever you want... Elliot." I pause, staring at the side of his scarred face. "That's a good name for you. It's almost cute," I joke.

His relaxed gaze lit up. "Cute, huh?" He shakes his head jokingly. "You should really see whats under all these straps and buckles," he smirks... shyly? Or just quietly. I never thought Elliot, of all people, could act shy.

"Under?" I ask, quieter than I meant. For a split moment, I couldn't feel my sweat anymore. I look intensely at him I was trying to memorize his face; but the truth was my mind felt dizzy, and a blush grew on my neck. It felt like he was putting me on the spot for no reason. Or maybe it was the gentle way he did it-- the chocolate eyes he's adored for.

He stares back at me before a smooth smile warms his face again. Elliot whispers playfully,  "Heh, so even the infum-infay-..." I chuckle at his usual stumble of words. "... Okay, what I mean is," he steps closer to me, and leans down close to my face. Way too close. He cooed, "Even the feared Wraith gets nervous around boys.~" My face burns red. He winks. "I won't tell." 

"That's private," I demand, dizzy but defiant, "This is your clone, isn't it? You didn't even show up to target practice, did you? Stop messing aro--" I try to push him away, but it lands on his firm, real torso instead. "Mirage!" I yell in an embarassed panic. A lanky shadow casts over us. We gaze up at Pathfinder behind him.

"I can teach you to aim your Longbow, friend!"

Elliot glares, annoyed,"Hey, the adults are speaking, so don't touch me you weird smiling-- HEY!--"

Path picks up the kicking trickster like a bag of flour. "Now put your arm raised--" Path's whirled Elliot with his robotic strength.

Their arguing is a blur in my head. I try to catch my breath, blood returning to my heart from my face. I couldn't believe how clearly Elliot saw through me-- how vulnerable he made me feel in that moment. It wasn't anything I was used to. Did I hate it? But didn't he take it too far? I felt a heat rise below my stomach, a sensation I barely recognize. Shit.

"I'm calling it a day, guys," I call out, still not making eye contact with Elliot. The boys pause their wrestling as they look at me, and I realize Pathfinder is holding Elliot's waist closely, like two dancers. I smirk weakly, "Don't get too cozy."

Elliot chuckles and forces himself out of Path's grasp, and gives me one last nod. He replies, "Restin' for the win, yeah? Good call. We're up tomorrow."

"I know." I wave with a smile. "Bye Path." The robot gives me an estatic wave goodbye, as always.

- - -

The daylight of the training area was behind me. My footsteps echo through the metal chambers leading towards the docks, where my ship would take me back to housing.

You're being watched.

I never doubt the voices. I suddenly turn around, checking every corner around me fervidly. I breathe deep, only focusing my trust in my instincts. "Who's there?" I snap.

A faint red sheen in the opposing dark corner finally becomes clear-- and my flesh feels cold. The hunter as mysterious as death itself. Someone with no friends, and few remaining enemies. The champion of the Apex Games. Bloodhound.

Everyone Wants A Lethal Girlfriend [Apex Legends, Wraith Harem Series]Where stories live. Discover now