[ ch 13. anita's advice / elliot's offer ]

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// scavanger, database (cont.)

Elliot had a way of commanding the room-- the trickster could easily redirect people's attention anytime he pleases. The thing is... attention feels so intense to me, I can barely stand it most times. Caustic's close and seething voice rises goosebumps on my neck, despite how pissed off he made me.

I barely turn my head to the large scientist before hissing back, "Get that close to me again, and I'll make sure you don't come back this time." Ajay looks at us cautiously, though Anita only raises an eyebrow for a moment. Something told me Anita wasn't worried about me, and that felt like a strangely good compliment.

The filtered voice replies with pride, "Now, now, dear lab rat-- the tests aren't over with you yet." He circles around. Caustic, in his gas mask and a lab coat getup, sits at the end of the table, looking at me as if I were a prized goat.

The Outlands had plenty of people hollow of kindness: they seem empty, barely interested, and lacking pity or empathy. But Caustic is none of these. His deep gravely voice seemed interested, awake, and intelligent; yet, he seems just as demented, narssasistic, and fragmented. Perhaps the most out of the cruel people I've met.

Though, to my surprise, the scientist's experimental fumes didn't cling to his outfit. When he was a few inches away, he smelled familiar. Clean, like fresh linen. I start to feel like I've known him someplace else-- but it didn't give me any comfort.

Bangalore kept looking through her glass tablet, almost boredly. "Alexander, we're not in the Ring. Take that gas mask off, you fuckin' creep." I smirk as Ajay bursts out into a loud snort-giggle.

Caustic glares at the girls. "You do not live on the brink of life and death as I do." He glances at me with a knowing smile. "Most of you." Another chill in my spine.

"You know nothing about me," I snarl. "I don't care what this dirty database might have to say about me."

"Ah," Caustic says with an understanding nod, "You believe that my certainty about you is based from the loose doctrines and vague descriptions of a religious lunatic. Since, after all, not even Scavenger has found other official records about your life. If that's the case, let me quickly re-educate you." His cheeks lift as if he smiled. He looks down at a glass tablet, shifting through information as he spoke. "I am a scientist. I experiment, recognize, and collect data. At first, I thought you were another rat, ready for the purpose of your experiment-- ready to meet your end. But now I have tested you. I see you have another purpose, and your experiment has not ended yet." He raises an amused gaze. It feels sickening. "So lab rat, keep following that maze of yours. I look forward to seeing the results."

I give a confused look between Ajay and Anita. Anita gives a little circle motion around her temple, silently telling me the man was out of his mind... as if I needed anyone to tell me. The spunky pink haired girl pops a stick of gum in her mouth before winking at me. "Well won'tcha look a'det? The nice guy of the Games wished ya luck."

"I guess so," I agree before crossing my arms, watching him with a hard glare.

Caustic puts the tablet aside as he stands again. "I am Alexander Nox outside of the Ring." His eyes rest on me-- and suddenly, his voice growls softly, "One day, you will remember that."

Now Ajay and Anita are staring at me. I blink at him.

But I let him walk away. His heavy steps clank up the metal stairway. I was always vicious when it came to learning about my past... but suddenly, I didn't even want to know what he meant. I got cold feet. I wanted to vomit.

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