- Season One A/N's and Q&A session! -

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Hey guys!! ❤️💫

Thanks SO MUCH for getting this book to 8k reads in Season One. This entire series has been my love child, like "How far can I push this idea?" I've vented before about how I struggle writing 'endings', and not to mention I've also been struggling with some serious personal issues these past couple weeks. Thank you for your immense patience. Having people behind this fic has been amazing, I seriously love yall with all my heart. 😭✨

I'm going back to edit a note in Ch 29, but I forgot to mention: Addy, or the mysterious dark hooded robot, is our series's first OC of mine! The character design I have is credited to Rolf Bertz, I'm borrowing his work as a visual template since I don't have the skills to draw robots haha. I'm very cautious about my own OCs in fictional universes, so I hope you enjoy what I got planned for Season 2. ✨.

Now, onto the fun stuff; Season 2 notes and scheduling. The exact start, lore-wise, of Season 2 has yet to be determined. I've set it so there are approx. 2-3 months of off-season matches before the next competitive season begins. Whether the narrative of Season 2 begins at the actual competitive season start or earlier, I'm still deciding! I'm playing around with a few ideas.

Scheduling-wise, here's what you should expect for the next few weeks:

- Wraith x Octane one-shot. I haven't forgotten since Ch 27!!
- Short story inserts between S1 and S2. These will be fun little stories (published in this book) outside of Wraith's perspective, to show character bond developments between other characters besides Wraith.
- Me taking my time plotting Season 2, and filling that time with lots of other fun one-shots and stories inbetween. My earlier readers are familiar with my writing speed; I can put out a chapter almost every day/every other day. But this happens when I have a pretty solid idea in my head-- the last two chapters took so long because I kept changing my ideas for the ending out of personal insecurity... and, thankfully, I feel a lot more confident about them now (of course, with the ideas that were the most similar to my originals lol). I want that same plot confidence for Season Two! It will take me time to brew the plot enough to get there fully.

Lastly, I'd love to have a Q&A in the comments! If you have any questions about Season One, my personal writing process, the characters, or anything else, please let me know in the comments!! Feel free to ask in-character questions too and I'll have the characters answer back, Apex Gala Red Carpet style. 😘 I'll definitely respond.

And of course, any thoughts or impressions on the series is appreciated! I've been growing as a writer a lot through this fiction, it's been so much fun. Thanks again for reading, friends.❤️


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