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Erica POV.


Why the heck is he here?

I fully look up and see that it's not just Julio that's here.






And Joe.

Huh, that's why we have a big van.


After a long time of chatting and catching up with each other, we finally make it to the grocery store.

Oh this should be interesting.

As soon as we walk in, I think everyone knew what I was going to do, "Oh Erica please don't," Liam pleads, "Please don't get into trouble for atleast one day," Aw how sweet, he thinks I'm going to listen to him and behave. I give him a sly smirk before walking down the shopping aisles until I reach the one I want.

I hear a few grunts and groans of annoyance and a few murmurs of, "She's going to get us kicked out of hear," and smile to myself. Bingo. My aisle.

I carry on walking down past the shelves of my 'natural equipment' and spot something at the corner of my eye. Huh, that wasn't there before, must be new. I continue to stroll down casually, ignoring the weird looks I get from people when I get the stuff I 'need'.

I don't bother paying, I never do really, I just don't see the point, well I do, it's that I just don't want to waste my fucking money on a prank that will last around 30 seconds. 5 minutes if they're not there.

I hear the buzzing sounds of sirens that you hear when someone shoplifts and stick my middle finger in the air.

You know what they say.

Fuck the police right?


"I still can't believe you did that!" Parker exclaims throwing his hands in the air for an extra exaggeration. I didn't do something that bad. Just sprayed whipped cream and packets of tampons at peoples cars and then shouting some... interesting words at whoever told me off. Not that much of a deal, don't know what he's going on about.

"I thought it was quite funny," Sean states, a slight smile plastered on his face as everyone stares at him in disbelief, at least someone gets me.

"Well I need to add that onto the list now," Arissa states, writing down something on a notepad,

"What list?" Devon asks, curiosity clear on his tone,

"Oh just a list of places I'm not aloud to go grocery shopping anymore because Erica got us kicked out and banished," I snicker, causing her to glare at me. What's her problem?

"How many are on there?" I ask, trying so hard not to laugh because she keeps a list. A list. Wow.

"Erica if I were you, I wouldn't want to know," Liam says,

"Why not? It's not like I'm going to get arrested." And with my statement, everyone stays quiet, no one speaking a word. Jordan concentrating on the road, Devon, Parker, Liam, Sean, Zack, Julio and Joe all caught up in their own thoughts. I start to doze off, bored of no one talking and the next thing I know, I'm out like a light.


"Erica, Eriiiiiiica," I hear a voice calling me, it's Devon. See, all the boys that have woke me up are all kind and sweet and then there's just Arissa who shouts like it's the end of the world or something, she really needs help.... Well so do I but that's another bird to be killed. Metaphorically of course, you know what, I should just shut up now.

"Morning," I say yawning causing him to smile,

"More like good evening," He says chuckling, huh? I look outside my bedroom window and see that he's right, it is evening.

Guessing I slept for a while.

I head downstairs and see that everyone is what I call, "socializing" also known as on their phones laughing at a vine.

This is why I don't normally make online friends...

"Oh yeah, just remembered something," I start, "Where's Will?" It just came to me now, where is Will?

Shouldn't he be here?

"He went back to Devon for some unknown reason," Zack shrugs, motioning me to sit down next to me, I oblige and sit comfortably next to him.

"That's weird," I state, a bit disappointed he didn't come here along with the rest of the boys, it's a shame really.

"Well then little miss trouble, what do you want to do now?" Sean asks, shaking up my hair at the process.

"I dunno... Pizza and a movie?" I suggest and everyone else shrugs their shoulders and mumble a few unheard words,

"As long as we don't see Insideous again, that movie scared the ultimate frick out of me!" Joe says eyes widen, remembering the movie.

I give him a sly smirk and say, "How about we get over oour fears today?" and see Joe is already shooting daggers at me with his eyes. Oh this shall be fun.


"I now officially hate every single one of you." Joe declares, pointing at us with one hand and hugging his legs with the other whilst I shake with laughter at the amount of times he screamed at the movie.

I clutch onto my stomach and stop the tears from falling out of my eyes, "I-I- That is the most funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life!" I declare, still trying to recover from my laugh attack.

"So now Joe's being a big baby," Zack sniggers, "Who's next?" I give him a suggestive smile and he immediently backs away, leaving me to do an evil laugh, "It's like she's the devil herself!" Parker exclaims, backing away from me like evryone else.

"Your turn Little Zacky." I annouce making him to squeal like a girl and run away. I laugh and run after him. It's so nice to know that I have such a bad impact on everyone and how I can make everyone run away scared or make someone do what ever I want with just a slightest of smirk, well Arissa doesn't count. I'm not if she's not even human to be honest.

But I have never had this much fun in my life.

I can proudly say that.


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