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Erica POV.

You know when you want to cry but no tears come out so you're just left their in sadness and despair? Yeah, that's how I'm feeling right now. No more tears fall out since of the lack of food of water recently and I just sit in my place and just think of my whole entire life so far and how it turned to be like this.

After moments of just sitting there, I finally muster the strength to stand up. I check my pockets to see if I have anything useful and I end up finding; my wallet, phone and some chewing gum. I sigh. I could've left that place ages ago.

I call a taxi and while I'm waiting I open the pack of chewing gum and pop it into my mouth. The mintiness comsumes my mouth as I just suck on it. I don't normally chew the gum straight off, I like to suck it before it's soft enough to chew properly. That's just how I like to chew my gum ok? The mint flavour starts to become stronger and I smile. How I love the taste of mint.

Breezes of wind starts to occur so I wrap my jumper around me tighter. I start to chew my gum and start to walk to the destination I'm supposed to meet the taxi whilst taking look at the landscape ahead of me. It's pretty. You can just about see the heads of hills from here even though I'm just by some alley way, you can also hear the sea from the distance. Wind seeps by my face and goosebumps start to appear on my flushed cheeks.I wonder how I must look right now. Probably a mess with all of my hair sticking in random places, my eyes all red and sensitive, my face pink as ever; bumps starting to appear one by one. I must look pretty disgusting to some people right now.

I find my taxi and head in the front seat. A man is sitting by the driver's 'area', looking in his mid 30s I suppose. He looks friendly which is a very good sign. Nice taxi drivers don't normally make you pay as much.

I tell him my address and we start to head off, only at this moment I remember about Arissa and how she's searching all over Devon for me. I start to feel a bit guilty so I decide to text her.

To: Arissa - The Best Sister <3

Hey, I'm heading home if that's ok with you, I took a taxi so don't worry about me.


From: Arissa - The Best Sister <3

We're talking when we get home.

I sigh and place my phone back in my pocket, "Life problems eh? Sucks doesn't it?" See, what did I tell you, nice taxi driver,

"You have no idea," I manage to choke a smile but end up turning to face the window to gaze outside and I wish I was there and not here right now. Free. Free from all of this bullshit. Like a bird. Great. Now I want to be a bird. Do you remember when you were little you always wanted to be a princess or a fairy or a firefighter, a famous person, an actor, a prince, a mum, a dad, anything. Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again. The only problem back then was losing a crayon or something like that. That still is a problem to me now but, when I was a kid I didn't have to worry about my life or my future. I was just little Erica. Who had big hopes and dreams. I really want to go back. So badly.

"You know all of this will go away right?" The taxi driver asks me and I'm shocked, he still wanted to talk to me?

"Really?" I ask, not really believing him at this point,

"Yeah, as cliché as it sounds, things will get better. No matter what problem you face, relationship problem, family drama, friendship fall out. It gets better. For friendship fallouts, if you were true friends, you will be able to solve the problem but if you're not, then screw that person right?" I crack a smile, this guy is amazing, "For a family problem, you're family, no matter what, I'm sure you can work something out and for relationship problems, you know what they say, 'if you love them, let them go, if they come back to you, then they were worth keeping."

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