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I have no idea what I'm doing.

Why did I shout for them? I will never know, but hey, it's better than nothing, we could all wait and hear them out...

Before they all brutally murder us.

All three of us wait in silence, the sounds of running footsteps coming to a halt, the eerie sound of a ticking clock being heard – worst thing of this all, there isn't a clock in this room.

During this time, I take my chances and observe Lacey. Her hair is much longer than Erica's, it's all hidden in her bun now, but I know it's longer than Erica's. Lacey's eyes are brighter as well. I"m not sure why, but I always compare Erica to any other girl, but this time with Lacey, it feels like Lacey with Erica, to you it may be the exact same thing, but to me, it's completely different, like this is my chance to finally move on and away from Erica.

Not forever, but for us to have some space and just be friends, I think that'd what we were made out to be anyway. Friends. It sounds better with Erica's name.

Lacey on the other hand – fuck she's gorgeous. Her brown hair complement her blue eyes perfectly and it feels like I'm falling all over again.

This time I'm hoping I don't get hurt.

Physically or mentally.

Out of no where the ticking stops, sending shivers down my spine as we now sit in utter complete silence. Nobody uttering a word. Not even anyone's breath is audible. Apart from an occasional sigh coming from Erica.

She tends to do that a lot when she's in deep thought.

I then hear a creak in the floor board and I whip my head towards the sound. I'm greeted by Devon, with his signature creepy-ass smile that is now going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Well, well, well," he starts, tauntingly, taking his time with every word, "Looks like the whole gang is here!" Devon starts laughing like a maniac as he stares at us in our disgraced form, all of us sweaty and bloody, not a single one of us the slightest bit clean. All because of him... and Zach, but I'm not too sure about him yet.

As on cue, Zach comes from behind Devon, his head hanging low and to my surprise, in handcuffs, attached to Devon, so he has no way of escaping, "Hey guys," he mutters, clear disappointment and failure in his voice and when he looks up, you can see that he looks nearly as bad as we do.

Erica is first to react, "Zach– Graser? Devon? What the hell is going on here?" she tries to move forward, but before she can get any further, I block her before shaking my head briefly, mentally telling her it wouldn't be the best move to move forward. Goodness knows what would happen.

This act sends Devon into a new fit of laughter again, the chain connecting Devon's and Zach's hand rattling every once in a while as Devon moves back and fourth, "Look who decides to be the hero?...Again. Why don't you tell her William, why don't you tell everyone why you're here–why we're here. I've done my part, it's your turn now," it's my turn to look down as everyone's gazes land on me.

"Will?" I feel Lacey's hand go on my shoulder and as I look into her eyes, I'm not greeted with the usual shimmering blue, but a baby blue, the sadness and confusion clearly in her voice and face.

Clenching my fists, I begin to speak, "We are all here because a psychopathic dickhead thought it'd be funny to force us into a show called; Let's Get fucking Revenge like a 5 year old," I grit and Devon starts chuckling before abruptly stopping, "Aw how sweet, now if I were you William, I'd be careful on what you say, remember what I told you earlier, anything you do could result to someone's death,"

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