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Me and Lacey sit in silence.

It lasts for a long time actually, nothing important or exciting happens. I'm mostly moving around, kicking whatever there is on the polished floor whilst Lacey is sitting down against the wall, leaning her head against the cold plaster.

Her eyes are closed and you can just about see how disappointed she is to be here. I don't blame her, it seems like she has her whole future ahead of her; straight As, a perfect student in Oxford University studying the medical business, already working in a suitable hospital, it's like she's a parents dream. And lets not forget that she's 18.

Yeah you heard me right, 18.

I can't believe it either.

Me on the other hand, I'm not so sure, I'm handling well in King's Collage (yeah I was lucky enough to get in) but I'm sure if I want to be like everybody else. I took media and art studies to pursue my dream of becoming someone successful in the art department, but the more I think about it, the more it becomes less clear. Like it wasn't what I was destined to do. I want to continue studying there, I got the amazing opportunity to, but I'm not sure if it's the dream school I once thought it was.

I kick the wooden floor once more before I hear a creak. This catches my attention and I bend down so I'm almost in contact with it. I put pressure on my hands on the certain plank of wood and see that it's extremely creaky. I try the same with the plank next to it, but it doesn't give out one single sound.

By now Lacey has caught on and she starts her way towards me, "Have you found something?" She questions as she kneels beside me.

"I think so," I say as I creak the floor once more, "It's worth a shot," I murmur as I dig my fingernails beside the wooden plank before hearing a 'clunk' meaning that I have successfully detached the plank from the rest.

Like suspected, we see the floor below us, and it looks like the ground floor.


I kind of guessed that there were going to be more floors because we heard creaking and crashing not so long ago, me and Lacey first thought that someone was coming on a rescue mission for us, but unfortunately, we weren't that lucky.

Within my eye range, I can just about make out a plain room with a door way which leads to another room which we can only hope leads to the exit.

I shift the plank awkwardly between me until it gets over to the other side. I then finger the edges of the space to see if I can get the rest out. My eyes lock with Lacey's and she gives me a tight nod, meaning that I should just go for it and hope for the best.

I stretch my hands out and dig my nails tightly between the second hinges of the plank, I muster all the strength in my tiny, puny body and force upwards and watch as the plank flings towards me and watch as all the hinges unfold one by one, which of course means.

The floor is falling down.

I quickly grab onto Lacey's hand that was waiting for me and brace the impact that I know is going to happen soon. The drop below us is at least 20 ft, so no matter what, some damage is going to be made.

The wind flushes us down and I squeeze my eyes as I whirl down to the next floor, my body colliding with the concert now beneath us.

"Well fuck that hurt," I hear Lacey say and I can't help but smile a little.

We made it.

I dust myself off, and see what damage we made, limping from time to time. The room now around us is trashed with the amount of rubble and a thick cloud of dust is surrounding us, getting thicker and thicker by the second.

My eyes sting and I can start to feel pain taking over my body from impact. Groaning, I feel my voice strain as I call out for Lacey since we lost each other whilst falling.

I rub the back of my hand by my eye lids to try to get rid of whatever was there and I take a look around for any kind of exit. Finding no such luck, I half walk half limp towards Lacey and see what she's pointing out.

An exit.

Grinning, I high-five her as we both rush towards the doorway, hoping that there's some kind of way out of this place.

I suddenly bump into Lacey as I realised she's stopped. My eyes follow the direction that she's looking at an dI start to see another person here. The person looks damaged, broken, like they've been tortured for quite a while now. I squint to make out their features and as far as I can see, they're a boy. A boy with messy brown hair that has fallen into his delicate eyes. His body frame limp and frail as he lies on the ground, semi-unconscious.

My eyes widen in shock as I figure out who it is.

The same person lying on the ground waiting for death is the same person that kidnapped me.

The person lying on the ground is someone I was supposed to meet a few days ago.

That person is Will.

Like he heard my thoughts, Will stirs and I let out a breath knowing that he's alive. He grumbles some words that are inaudible and his eyes start to become more clearer.

His head tilts up and he glances once at us before doing a double take. Will's pupils dilate and he looks like he can't believe what he's seeing. He try to get up, only to be retracted by the chains that are holding him down and he struggles to compose himself.

Just when I think he's about to lock eyes with me and say how surprised he is to see me, Will knocks me completely off guard as he stares into not mine, but Lacey's eyes and says,

"Nice to see you again, Lacey."


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