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I've been having the weirdest dreams lately.

There was this one time I was trapped in a box, there was nothing there. There was just me in a box. A metal box. I had no chance of escaping and the box was somehow killing me, I'm not sure how but it was.

Numbers have been appearing in my dreams as well, well not numbers, but times. Wait, that's technically numbers, but still.

It started off with 3:33, I found this a coincidence because it's known for 'The Devils Hour' so I just brushed it off with saying it's a nightmare, besides, I don't believe in paranormal stuff.

But then it started to happen frequently.

The times came as follows:


How I managed to remember them all, I will never know, but I do remember them, and they didn't happen all at once, they've been happening for the past week or so, I'm actually getting quite worried. It's the same box dream, just different number things popping out at different times. They'll be bright red as well, like a alarm clock. But I just can't find an explanation on why this is happening.

It happened again this afternoon, I was taking a nap when 4:45 sprung up in front of my eyes as I was attempting to break free of this box again. I only saw the time for a second though, because the next thing I hear is the blaring noise of my phone, signalling that someone is trying to call me.

Without looking at the caller ID, I slide the phone to my ear, "Hello?" MY croaky voice breaks, clear that I've just woken up.

"We need to talk, Will, right now." Erica. My eyes turn into saucers. Oh shit! I forgot to return her text earlier... A few days earlier. I've just been wrapped up trying to figure out who 'J' is that I've completely forgot about the two other texts, and Lacey as well! Oh my gosh, is Lacey ok?! Is she dead?! How could I be so stupid-

"Will? You there?" Erica snaps me out of my thoughts and I try to compose myself and try to make sure my voice isn't too croaky by swallowing excess saliva.

"Um, yeah? I'm here... Wh-what do you wanna t-talk about?" I instantly slap myself for stuttering, it's been a few months, so what? Get your act together Will! This is Erica.

"Well.. To start off, how are you? A lot of people have been worried about you, you know... You kinda just left without any explanation..." Her voice trails off and I feel like the biggest idiot. So my video didn't upload. Oops.

"Oh. Well um... I did try and upload a video saying I'll be taking time off.. But I guess that never really got uploaded.." It's my turn to let my voice trail off, it's silent on the other end and I feel myself to start to worry. If there's anything, I hate silence.


"Oh, sorry... I was just thinking... Um... Will?"


"We-We should meet up sometime... You know, actually have a conversation, instead of talking over the phone.." She hesitates for a moment, "I miss you, you know."

"I miss you too," I find myself saying, tears threatening to spill, "And yeah I feel like we should meet up sometime, how's Friday at 5?"

"Sounds good? I'll let you know if anything happens," We then say good bye and I then feel more confused than ever.

Erica misses me?

Well I fucking miss her so much.

Fuck it, I practically love Erica... Well, loved.

It hurts to see someone or something that built you up, that made you feel so loved, only to tear back down to rock bottom.

It's nice to know she still cares as much as I do -


A beep sound emits from my phone and I predict that it's Erica, saying that she has something planned and she's asking for another date for us to meet up.

Instead I'm greeted by another message from the mysterious 'J' and their message has now left me feeling more confused than ever.

Message from Unknown.

I feel sorry for you Will, I generally do. Do you really think Erica wants to meet you again? After all that you did? Trust me Will, she isn't going to meet up for you. IT'S A FUCKING TRAP DICKWAD. She's going to stand you up and leave you there, broken, torn up, just like you deserve to be. I'm surprised that you haven't replied to any of these yet, I would've thought a guy like you would've guessed who I am by now, I'll give you a hint though Willy boy, I'll give you a fucking hint.

But first, you know those dreams that have been happening Will? All those fucked up dreams that leave you in tears or screaming in the middle of the night? Well, if you play the wrong cards then that will happen. Real soon.

Watch your fucking step.

Oh, and here's your hint:

My name doesn't have a J.


I don't think I've ever screamed so loud in my life.


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