chapter nineteen

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chapter 19 - the truth untold

Felix had a plan.

It had been two days since Changbin had been kicked out by his parents and the two boys were walking to Jisung's house. Although, Changbin didn't know that was where they were going. Now that the boy would be staying at his apartment at least for the foreseeable future, Felix had decided it was time to deliver the news to his friends that they were dating since they would probably find out soon anyway.

"This doesn't look like Dominos," Changbin said with his brows furrowed as they began to approach Jisung's house.  Oops, Felix may have told him they were going to get pizza to convince him to leave the house. "Where are you really bringing me?"

"Remember that time we went to the top of that building and you told me to follow your lead and trust you? It's your turn to trust me," Felix said. Changbin looked concerned but followed him anyways.

They walked up the steps and Felix knocked on the door. He was still nervous despite having rehearsed what he was going to say many times in his head.

The door swung open to a familiar-looking boy who had dark brown hair.

"Wait, have we met before?" he asked Felix.

"I... I think you gave me a drink at a party once?" Felix said, thinking back to the night he met Changbin.

"Oh yeah! I remember you. I'm Minho," the boy, Minho, said with a smile. "Come on in."

So this was the Minho Jeongin had been talking about.

The two followed Minho down the stairs and into the basement where the rest of the group was hanging out. They were all lying on the couches around the TV while Hyunjin played a game. Everyone, especially Chan, were shocked to see Changbin trail behind Felix.

"You brought a guest," Jisung said in a surprised tone. Minho jumped onto the couch beside the brunette and wrapped his arm over his shoulder.

"Sorry, I should have asked first," Felix started. He glanced over at Chan, who wore a concerned expression. He swallowed nervously before continuing, well aware that his relationship with his friends depended on what he was about to tell them. "I brought Changbin here because we're dating now and I wanted you guys to know."

The room fell silent with all eyes focusing on Changbin, who gave an awkward wave to the group. Chan looked like he saw this coming but was shocked nonetheless.

"Well, can't say I'm surprised," Jeongin commented with a chuckle, which helped lighten the mood a bit.

Felix was preparing to continue his speech to try to convince his friends to give his boyfriend a chance, but he was interrupted by none other than Changbin himself who cleared his throat.

"I think I owe all of you an apology, especially you, Chan," Changbin said as he faced the blond. "I... can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for stealing from your uncle's store. There's no excuse for my actions. I'm very sorry," he said with regret in his eyes.

Chan pressed his lips together, appearing to be deep in thought. Everyone in the room waited in silence for his response. "I forgive you," he finally said. "We all make mistakes."

Changbin looked shocked that he had forgiven him. Eventually, a look of relief finally washed over his face. Chan reached out his fist and Changbin scurried over to give him a fist bump. Felix couldn't help but smile, hoping this would be a new beginning for them.

They spent the rest of the evening hanging out and playing video games. At first, things were a bit awkward between Changbin and Felix's friends. However, as time went on, they began to warm up to each other. Hyunjin and Changbin had a lot in common due to their love for Hellevator Online and spent a fair amount of time taking turns playing the game.

Felix didn't bring up the fact that Changbin would be staying at his house because he didn't feel like it was his place to share what had happened over the past few days in his boyfriend's life. Thankfully, nobody asked any questions about Changbin's home life.

Felix laid back on the couch and took a moment for himself to reflect. So much had changed over the past couple of months. He moved to a new country, made incredible friends, and got himself into a relationship. It was safe to say it was the happiest he'd felt in a while and he couldn't help but smile to himself. He was eternally grateful for having chosen to sit beside Chan on that first day of school. And as much as he knew he should regret that drunken night at the party, he was so glad things unfolded the way they did.

"You look a little sleepy," Jeongin said, poking Felix. He was cuddled up beside Chan on the couch.

"Yeah, I think I'll be ready to head out soon."

"Aw, but Changbin was just about to show me his signature move!" Hyunjin whined.

After about twenty more minutes, Changbin and Felix said their goodbyes to the group and went on their way into the chilly evening. Felix wished for nothing more than for it to start snowing, but sadly the forecast didn't show any snow in the nearby future.

"Your friends are actually really cool," Changbin admitted, still grinning. His words brought a smile to Felix's face as well. "Next time we should invite Seungmin and Woojin over too."

"And have a Jenga battle to the death," Felix snickered in a mock evil tone.

"Of course," Changbin chuckled. "I'm still kind of sad you tricked me into coming here by telling me we would be getting Dominos though," he pouted.

"Who said we can't still get Dominos?" Felix said before taking off sprinting down the sidewalk. "Race you there!"

"Do you even know where it is?" Changbin laughed out from behind him. "Idiot."

Felix kept running until Changbin finally gave in and began to chase after him as well.

first chapter of the minsung fic is up!! the premise is kinda scandalous lol but it's not too weird I promise

the next chapter will be the last one :( I'll post the smut chapter at the same time I post finally chapter.

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