chapter thirteen

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chapter 13 - let's get it

"Thank you. We'll see you soon."

Changbin had just gotten off the phone with Woojin. Based on his words throughout the conversation, it was safe to assume that his friend was letting him stay over at his place for the night. This lifted a weight off of Felix's chest since he no longer needed to worry about convincing his parents to let him sleep on their couch.

"He said it's fine, and that you can stay over too if you want to," Changbin said. He slipped his phone into his pocket. "It's up to you."

Felix was unsure about whether or not he should stay over at Woojin's. His main concern was that his parents would be thoroughly annoyed that he disappeared in the middle of the night. However, he cared more about making sure Changbin felt safe and comfortable than he did about a few minutes of being scolded.

"Sure, I'll come."

Felix ordered an Uber and the two of them sat side by side on the steps while they waited for it to arrive. He was still fighting the urge to give Changbin a hug, but it had only been about twenty minutes since he had calmed down and the timing didn't feel quite right yet.

There were a lot of things on Felix's mind, the main one being his newfound hatred for Changbin's parents. He wanted nothing more than to call the police and see them put behind bars, but he was sure if it was that easy then Changbin would have done it a long time ago. He wanted so badly to console his friend and tell him everything would work out in the end, but he couldn't because he didn't know if things would be okay when it came down to it. Like Changbin had said, it was best to take it one day at a time.

Finally, the Uber arrived. They sat in silence throughout the whole drive to Woojin's place aside from the driver's few attempts at making conversation. Unfortunately for him, it was a bad time to try to talk to either of the boys.

Woojin lived in a medium-sized apartment building similar to Felix's that wasn't too far from the local shopping centre. They thanked the driver and they set off to Woojin's apartment. Changbin led him up the stairs to the second floor. The hallway was dark and narrow with elaborate woodwork around the doors. The lights flickered every few seconds.

Woojin came to the door in boxers and a t-shirt, motioning for the boys to come in.

"Everyone is sleeping so try to keep quiet," he whispered as he closed the door behind them. He led them to his small bedroom and sifted through his dresser drawers to find some spare clothes. "Here, see if these fit," he said and he handed a set of pyjamas to both Felix and Changbin.

Felix and Woojin waited quietly in the hallway while Changbin got changed. Woojin was the first to break the silence.

"Did he tell you?"


They went silent again when Changbin emerged from the bathroom. Felix quickly changed into the Christmas themed pyjamas that Woojin gave to him. They were a little oversized on him but he didn't mind.

"I only have one blanket for the two of you. I hope that's okay," Woojin said as he pulled out the bedding from his closet.

"That's fine, we can share," Changbin said and Woojin tossed him the fuzzy blue blanket.

Woojin settled into his bed and fell back asleep in a matter of minutes, leaving the two other boys to sort out their sleeping arrangements on the floor. Changbin set out a pillow for Felix and then put one down for himself. He let out a loud sigh as he got comfy, or as comfy as one could possibly get on the floor, and looked up at Felix who was still standing.

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