chapter two

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chapter 2 - know me

Felix stood in front of the door to his first-period calculus class, clutching his timetable as if his life depended on it. Perhaps his life did depend on it, thinking back to his parents' reaction last time he failed a test.

The class looked full and he dreaded the prospect of not being able to find a seat. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he stepped into the classroom and glanced around the room in search for a place to sit.

His gaze landed on an open seat beside a boy with curly blond hair that looked like it had been dyed way too many times. In fact, he probably could have given 90s Justin Timberlake a run for his money. Felix's nervousness was put to rest as the boy looked up at him and grinned widely, his eyes appearing to be smiling.

"You new here?" the boy asked as Felix slid into his seat and set his bag down.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am," Felix said as he pulled out a notebook. "Is it obvious?"

"Of course. Plus I'm a libra. We can sense fear," the boy teased him. "Welcome to Mr Choi's calc class, where we solve integrals until our papers are stained with tears," he joked, or, at least Felix hoped he was joking. The boy had spoken in English this time after noticing Felix's accent.

"You're from Australia too?" Felix asked, raising his brows slightly, feeling at ease knowing that maybe he wasn't the only one at his school from the country.

"Sure am! You can call me Chan, like Jackie, if that helps you remember it," Chan said with a smile.

"And I'm Felix, nice to meet you."

"Cool, cool," Chan nodded, pulling out his own notebook "I'm telling you, man, you're going to regret joining this class. The professor is an absolute-"

"Bang Chan, maybe if you didn't talk so loudly you'd be passing this class," the teacher, who had suddenly appeared at the front of the classroom, said with his arms crossed over his chest. The rest of the class oooh'd in unison.

Time went by at a snail's pace. After an agonizing hour and a half, the bell rang, signally the start of the first break. Chan had invited Felix to join him and his friends for the break, and the two wandered across the school field to a group of boys lounging under a tree to hide from the glaring sun.

Felix somehow felt a combination of tenseness at the idea of having to meet all these new people, but also ease from the fact that he was potentially meeting friends on his very first day at the new school. Chan seemed like a great guy, and Felix internally thanked every deity he could think of that allowed him to sit next to the boy.

Three boys were sitting under a large tree and they all turned to look at the two as they approached.

"Chan, I see you brought us another sacrifice," one of the boys chuckled, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. Felix froze on the spot.

"Stop it, Jisung! You're gonna scare him," another boy whined. He had a dandelion flower tucked behind his ear. "He's joking, of course. I'm Jeongin, nice to meet you!" the boy exclaimed, his smile glowing like the sun itself.

"Hey Hyunjin, put your damn phone down, we have a guest," Chan scolded the third boy who hadn't looked up once since their arrival.

Hyunjin turned his phone off and stuffed it into his bag. "I'm sorry, I just can't stop playing."

Chan rolled his eyes. "You and that Hellevator Online game. I won't be surprised when they find you dead in your home after you play it for 72 hours straight without stopping for food and water. And I won't be going to your funeral," he teased, messing up Hyunjin's hair with his hand.

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