chapter ten

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It was a relatively cool night due to the slight winds. The sun had already set, leaving just the full moon to provide light in the sky.

    Felix smiled at Changbin as he approached him by the entrance to the apartment building. He was dressed in a dark maroon hoodie with black jeans and white Vans. Felix was starting to regret wearing a t-shirt as he was beginning to shiver. After a brief greeting, the two boys began to walk in the direction of the street that the party was at.

    "I think some of my friends are going to be here. I'll try to introduce you to them," Changbin exclaimed as they began to walk up the steps to the apartment.

    Instantly upon walking in, they were greeted by a very loud and familiar voice.

    "Feliiiiix, my boyyy," Jisung proclaimed as he stumbled forward and wrapped an arm around him. He had a bandana tied messily around his head and was wearing an unbuttoned red flannel with nothing underneath it.

    "You okay, buddy?" Felix said, stifling a laugh.

    "Ayy never been better," he practically yelled. "Would somebody get these men a drink?" he shouted behind them.

    Felix wasn't planning on drinking after what happened last time, but he figured a couple of beers wouldn't hurt. He had definitely learned his lesson. Moments later, a blond boy came to Jisung's call holding two cans of beer. He handed one to Felix, but when he went to hand the other one to Changbin, the boy quietly declined it.

    "Have I ever told you how much I love you, Felix?" Jisung exclaimed as he patted him on the back. "God, I love my friends. I would marry you all if I could."

    "Okay, I think it's time we cut off drinks for you," a familiar looking, slightly taller boy with brown hair said as he wrapped an arm around Jisung's shoulder, who was pouting at his friend's words.

    "Have you guys seen Chan at all?" Felix asked them after taking a sip from his can.

    "Bang Chan? I think he was in the living room on the couch," Jisung's friend suggested as he pointed down the hallway.

    Felix thanked him and he and Changbin walked in the direction that the boy had pointed. Sure enough, they found Chan and Jeongin sitting together on the couch along with a handful of other people. Their faces lit up as they saw Felix approaching, but as Chan's eyes moved over to Changbin, his grin wavered.

    "Oh hey," Chan greeted them. He held out a hand to Changbin, who hesitantly shook his hand. "Nice to formally meet you. Chan."

    "Changbin," he replied, and then pressed his lips together and crossed his arms. His attention was quickly pulled away when he spotted some familiar faces sitting on the other couch. "Oh Felix, these are my friends."

    Felix was about to introduce himself until he noticed Changbin's friends were Seungmin and Woojin, the boys he had played Jenga with at the last party. They invited the two to join them in their current game of Jenga, with Woojin commenting on how well Felix had played last time. They shuffled over to make room for Felix and Changbin to sit on the couch as well.

    "Did Changbin tell you he's really good at Jenga?" Seungmin asked as he attempted to remove one of the pieces, struggling as it was really wedged in there.

    "I'm not," Changbin scoffed.

    Felix chuckled, thinking back to how Changbin asked him over text to give him some pointers at the game. Maybe it was just to make Felix underestimate his skills so he could swoop in and win.

    "You literally beat us every time, I don't understand how it's possible," Woojin said just as Seungmin successfully pulled out a piece. "Tell us your secrets, oh great Jenga master."

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