chapter twelve

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chapter 12 - make it right

oof this one is kinda sad, just warning you guys! trigger warning: (brief) mentions of abuse

Felix sat in the waiting room of the police station while the lady behind the front desk processed his ID and checked for a criminal record. Of course, nothing was going to come up, as Felix had done very fell illegal things in his life aside from downloading music with YouTube-to-MP3 converters, but did that really count?

He had plenty of time to think over Changbin's actions but was waiting to hear what he had to say for himself before solidifying an opinion.

"You're all clear," the receptionist said and she held out Felix's ID.

He got up and finished filling out the rest of the paperwork. After signing the last page of the document, the receptionist called for an officer. A tall policeman with a tough glare emerged from the hallway and motioned for Felix to follow him. He crossed his arms over his chest in an attempt to console himself and his nerves as he followed the officer down the hall.

They arrived in a corridor with a few holding cells. Felix's curiosity got the best of him and he peered into the first cell on his left. A scruffy faced young man with blue hair stared back at him, a sly grin appearing on his lips.

"Hey cutie," he said.

His words made Felix feel sick to his stomach.

"Fuck off," a familiar voice growled from the cell behind Felix. It was Changbin.

"Or what? You think you can take me down, pretty boy?"

"Call me that one more time and-," Changbin began to challenge him.

"And you'll what?"

The officer took the baton he was holding and slammed it against the bars of the cell holding the blue-haired boy, causing everyone in the room to flinch. "If I hear one more word outta your mouth you'll be moved to prison by morning."

The blue-haired boy rolled his eyes, but the officer's threat must have at least had some small effect on him because he quieted down. The officer slid his key ID through the slot in front of Changbin's cell. Although the lighting was dim, Felix was able to catch a glimpse of the boy. His under eyes were adorned with dark bags from fatigue and a small red scratch was visible on his cheek.

"Listen, kid. This is your last chance. You got lucky this time and the owner isn't going to press charges. Don't expect to be so lucky next time," the officer said sternly, sharing his words of warning.

Changbin looked genuinely scared for the first time since Felix had met him. He nodded in agreement and grabbed his hoodie off the cell floor. The two boys followed the officer to the main office. The receptionist gave Felix a small wave and a hopeful smile when they exited.

They were immediately hit by a cold wind upon exiting the station and Changbin fumbled around with his hoodie. Once he had slipped it over his head and gotten his arms through the sleeves, he began to walk forward. Felix, however, did not follow. After noticing the absence of the boy, Changbin turned around and looked Felix in the eyes for the first time that evening.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," he stated as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I know, I know," Changbin uttered. "Let's just find somewhere warm to sit and we can talk about it there."

"No, we're gonna sit here and you're going to explain to me what the hell you did. And then I'll decide where I want to go from there," Felix said sternly while he pointed at the front steps leading up to the police station.

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