chapter six

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chapter 6 - you don't know me now

Once Felix had finished all of his homework for the day, he retired to the couch, excited to give Hellevator Online another try. This would be a great chance to get some practice in before going over to Jisung's on Wednesday to play with the rest of his friends. He launched the game and waited to be added to a match.

While the game was loading, Felix noticed a message was delivered to Sammy's inbox, as he was still using her account. Wondering if it was one of her friends, he decided to snoop and see what the message said. He was surprised to see it was from none other than bin567.

bin567>you're back! finally going to take me up on my offer?

Felix thought for a few seconds to whether or not he should play against bin567 again. He wondered why the player was so interested in going against him. Maybe they enjoyed totally destroying new players in the game. It didn't take long for him to make a decision.

sammygirl01>No. You're too good.

bin567 was a fast typer, as he responded within a matter of seconds.

bin567>fine, suit yourself

Felix spent the next two hours playing. It was difficult at first and his character was killed countless amounts of times while he tried to get familiar with the mechanics of the game. But as time went on, he found himself becoming somewhat decent at it. He was actually having fun until Sammy wandered into the living room from the kitchen.

"Can you go to the store and pick up some milk? I want cereal but we're all out," she whined.

"Why can't you get it yourself, Lazy?" Felix asked, his eyes still glued to the TV screen.

"Because it's almost eleven o'clock..."

Felix sighed as he understood. She was scared to go to the store so late at night. He paused the game and set the controller down, deciding he would go get the milk for her. Plus he owed her for saving him from being grounded. He slipped on a light coat and made his way out the door as Sammy shouted a "thank you" from behind him.

Felix was instantly glad that he wore a coat when he stepped out into the chilly night. He was surprised at how many people were out in the streets on a Monday night, but he was trying to become a bit more used to the hustle and bustle of Seoul. There was a convenience store not too far from his house, but he admittedly did need to use the Maps app on his phone in order to find the place.

The bell at the top of the door rang as he entered and an old man behind the front desk let out a grumble as he clenched his teeth, or lack thereof. Whether it was a hello or a noise to signal annoyance, Felix did not know and he didn't intend on finding out.

He made his way to the back of the store where the cold drinks were stored and searched for a carton of milk. Once he settled on one, he paced up and down the candy aisle looking for something for himself. The bell rang to signal another customer entering, but Felix didn't bother to look up. He was too interested in all of the candies that he had never seen before.

He noticed the new customer enter the candy aisle as well. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the boy but wasn't able to see much of his face as he was wearing a mask that covered the lower half of his face. He looked somewhat familiar, but Felix didn't want to stare so he didn't have much time to figure out if he knew him or not. The boy picked up a bag of sour gummies and studied the packaging for a few seconds. Then, gently as to not make too much noise, the boy slipped the bag into his coat.

Felix couldn't control his stare as his eyes darted up to the boy's face. It wasn't till he made eye contact with him that he knew exactly who the boy was, he could recognize those dark, piercing eyes anywhere. It was Changbin.

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