chapter nine

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chapter 9 - hello my star

    It was the fourth and final period of the day-- biology class. Felix, Jisung, and Jeongin were sitting together at one of the stations in the back. Felix had always hated biology class, but today was even worse as it was the day of the frog dissection lab.

    All three of the boys were too squeamish to start cutting open the dead frog, so they sat amongst themselves just hoping that the teacher wouldn't come by and ask why they weren't doing their work.

    "I wish Chan was here, he would do it for us," Jeongin whined while he doodled on the side of his lab papers.

    "It's always 'Chan this' and 'Chan that' with you, isn't it?" Jisung said as he rolled his eyes. "What, are you in love with the guy?"

    Jeongin remained silent, his cheeks turning to a peachy shade.

    "No way..." Jisung said with his mouth wide open in disbelief.

    "Han Jisung, would you care to explain to me why you're chatting instead of doing your work?" the teacher snapped from the front of the classroom.

    "Would you care to explain why you take months to mark our quizzes? Oh wait, is it because you're too busy having fun in the janitor's closet with Coach Jung?" Jisung snapped back, resulting in a mixture of gasps and laughter from the rest of the students in the classroom.

    The teacher's face turned bright red as she narrowed her eyes and pointed furiously to the door. "In my office, immediately."

    Jisung groaned, muttering worth it under his breath as he strolled over to the hallway with his hands rested lazily in his hoodie pockets.

    "I can't believe he just did that," Felix whispered to Jeongin, truly in shock at how calm Jisung was after he said that to the teacher.

    "He's had beef with her for years. And I doubt he'll get in trouble 'cause everyone knows what he said is true, and Mrs. Park isn't going to send him to the principal's office because then he'll find out what's been going on between her and the coach," Jeongin explained, resting his pen down to take a break from his doodling.

    Damn, was the tea ever hot today.

    Felix thought back to what Jisung had said before about Jeongin being in love with Chan. He also thought back to all the times that he had hung out with their group and remembered how Jeongin and Chan were always clinging to each other. "Do... do you actually have a thing for Chan?"

    Jeongin's cheeks changed colours again. "I dunno, maybe. Just please don't tell anyone else," he begged. "And... is it really that obvious?"

    "I've had enough. Jeongin and Felix, if you want to talk in class so badly, why don't you go to the detention room where you can discuss the faults in your actions?" the teacher barked at them after reappearing in the classroom from her office. "Now," she uttered at the two boys who were sitting nervously at their station.

    Felix and Jeongin scrambled to grab their books before rushing out of the classroom as their peers stared at them.

    "Oh my god I've never been sent to detention before," Jeongin said, close to tears, after the teacher shut the door behind them. "I don't even know where it is."

    "Don't worry, it can't be that bad," Felix assured his friend as he rested his hands on his shoulders. Whether it was to comfort the boy or himself, he wasn't sure. He hadn't been sent to detention since he was in fourth grade and got caught forging his mom's signature on a school field trip form, so this was uncharted territory for him.

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