chapter sixteen

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chapter 16 - i just wanna put my hands on you

It was Friday night and Felix's parents had gone out to a coworker's party. Sammy was sleeping over at a friend's house, meaning Felix had the apartment to himself. Of course, this meant he had to invite Changbin over. It had been two weeks since they started dating.

The two had set out a stack of blankets and pillows on the living room floor as a makeshift surface to lay on. They were binge-watching Marvel movies but Changbin was making it extremely hard to pay attention to any of the films.

"Who do you think is the strongest Avenger?" Changbin asked, popping a chocolate-covered almond into his mouth.

Felix took a moment to think about his question. "Hmm, Thor I guess?"

Changbin gasped. "You think Thor is stronger than Captain Marvel?"

To be completely honest, Felix wasn't the most well-versed in Marvel Cinematic Universe knowledge, but the fact that Changbin was taking it so seriously made him want to play along and tease him further.

"Thor is a literal god, so I'd say yes. He's hot as hell too so I had to choose him," Felix concluded as he stole a chocolate from Changbin's bag.

Changbin narrowed his eyes at the boy, snatching away the bag of chocolates and holding it out of his reach.

"You're such a cutie when you're jealous," Felix giggled as he poked Changbin's cheek, causing him to break his stone-cold expression and crack a smile.

Felix climbed onto Changbin's lap, resting his knees on each side of his boyfriend's body. He was feeling confident today so he decided to take the lead. He reached down and gently held onto the side of Changbin's face as he leaned down and pressed his lips to his. The kiss was caring and sweet like all of their previous ones had been up until that point. Changbin's hand made its way to Felix's head and he grasped a hand full of hair, pulling him closer.

In a swift motion, Changbin pushed Felix off of him and lowered him down to the floor. Felix's heart beat rapidly at the hungry look in his boyfriend's eyes as he stared down at him. His eyes seemed to focus on Felix's neck.

"Have you ever gotten a hickey before?" Changbin smirked as his fingers brushed against Felix's neck, causing the younger to shiver.

"No," he said as he blushed.

"I'll give you one, one day. But not yet," Changbin decided, earning a pout from Felix who was interested in the idea of Changbin giving him one. "Slow down, we've barely even made out yet. Do you know how to do that?"

"I told you, my first kiss was with you that night after the party."

"So you don't know how to?"

"I don't," Felix said, swallowing and struggling to look Changbin in the eyes.

"Well, then why don't I show you?"

Changbin cupped Felix's face with one hand while he used the other to support himself, pressing their lips together and repeating the motions of the previous kiss. The tender, innocent kiss quickly escalated as Changbin involved his tongue, making Felix's heart beat even faster from all the positive emotions pouring through him. Felix found his fingers trailing up Changbin's chest. He just couldn't help himself. Even through his t-shirt, he could feel the boy's toned muscles.

After a few minutes, Changbin backed away. He pecked some soft kisses along Felix's jawline before completely pulling away.

"Not bad for a first-timer," he said as he caught his breath.

Felix covered his face and groaned in embarrassment. He could feel the warmth radiating from his cheeks on the palms of his hands as he hid himself.

"Don't do that, I want to look at your adorable face," Changbin laughed. He pulled Felix's hands away.

Changbin climbed off and lay down beside Felix in his original position. The younger cuddled up into his side, nuzzling his head into his boyfriend's neck as he began to stroke his hair.

"Expect that hickey sometime within the next week," Changbin stated. "I don't think it can wait much longer, it's quite the pressing issue."

"Are you... hitting on me?" Felix said with a mock gasp.

"Me? Hitting on my boyfriend?"

"It's more likely than you think!" Felix said through laughter as Changbin messed up his hair with his hands. "What are you doing for the rest of the weekend?" he asked, hoping Changbin would be free so he could come over for at least another day, maybe more than one.

"I was just gonna play some video games, why?"

"You should stay for a night," Felix said.

Changbin hummed while he thought. "I don't know, will your parents be okay with that?"

Felix's parents were super chill and never had a problem with boys sleeping over before, even after he told them that he was gay. He had plenty of his male friends sleep over back when they lived in Sydney. It's not like he'd even told them that he was dating Changbin yet, so he didn't see why they would suspect anything.

"Why wouldn't they be? We don't need to tell them we're official."

"Yeah, but do you think we can control ourselves around each other for an entire night? It's hard enough not slamming you against a locker at school," Changbin pouted.

"Slamming me into a locker? What are you, some type of bully?"

"You know what I mean," Changbin chuckled as he rolled onto his side so that they were facing each other, propping his head up with his arm.

"I don't want you to go back home," Felix sighed. He still hadn't been able to get Changbin's home situation out of his mind. Despite his promises that he wasn't in any physical danger there, Felix was unsure things would stay so calm. He also couldn't shake his worries that somehow his boyfriend's parents would find out about their relationship, which could have severe consequences.

"Okay, okay," Changbin caved in. "I'll stay over on Saturday night. But let's make an effort not to wake your family up with all the noise, or the neighbours for that matter-"

Felix didn't let him finish as he pressed his index finger to Changbin's lips. "That's enough, you perv."

"Hey! I was just talking about, uh... watching movies and stuff," Changbin said innocently, but Felix could see right through it.

They went back to watching the movie but this time Felix kept his head rested on Changbin's chest. He drew patterns and designs onto his chest using his fingers, causing the older to start falling in and out of sleep from the relaxation. By the time Infinity War was about to end, it was almost midnight.

"Hyung, you better go now. My parents will be home soon," he advised.

Changbin groaned at the realization that it was time to leave, but he seemed to power through his sleepiness and pulled himself up. Felix helped him gather his things and rode the elevator down to the lobby with him. Late autumn was in full force now and he didn't want to go outside due to the chilly weather, so they prepared to exchange their goodbye's at the front door.

"I guess I'll see you Saturday," Felix said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll see you then," Changbin said before giving Felix a small peck on the lips. He pulled away and looked into the younger's eyes and then gave him a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, causing Felix to giggle.

With that, they parted ways.

hope you all enjoyed the fluff cuz shit is about to go down ! ;-; I'm almost done writing my next fic!! it's a minsung fic. first chapter will be up soon! also I might just snap and write a woosan fic idk if any of you are ateez fans

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