chapter five

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chapter 5 - giving you everything you deserve

By the time Monday rolled around, Felix was feeling much better. His parents had given him a hard time for disappearing for the night, but he was able to get out of the situation without being grounded thanks to Sammy, who argued that at eighteen years old, he was too old to be grounded.

It was way too early to be awake, but it was unfortunately almost time for class. Felix was standing at his locker, taking extra long blinks as he felt his mind threatening him with sleep. He was awoken from the sleepy state when he saw Chan rushing over. The blond boy surprised Felix by wrapping his arms around him and embracing him in a tight hug.

"I promise I'll never leave you alone at a party again," Chan said as he pulled away with a look of guilt in his eyes. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

Felix pretended to think for a second. "Hmm, well, monetary compensation is sounding good right about now," he joked, stroking his chin as if he was deep in thought.

Chan let out a chuckle and he playfully bumped Felix's shoulder with his fist. "You're a little devil, Felix."

"Who are you calling little? We're like, the same height and I'm still growing!" Felix pouted, standing up a little straighter.

"Sure you are, keep telling yourself that, little buddy," Chan teased, patting Felix on the head. "So me and the boys were thinking it would be fun if we all met up to play video games this week. Probably at Jisung's 'cause his Internet is god tier speed, but if you..."

Felix was trying to listen to what Chan had to say, but his attention was pulled away as he saw something, someone, that made him feel a pit in his stomach. It was none other than Changbin, who was standing by himself, leaning against a locker across from them. Felix's guilt from the previous morning had been replaced with anger after Chan had told him about how Changbin was a thief.

"Sorry Chan, I'll be back in a minute," Felix found himself saying as he pushed off his locker and began walking towards Changbin. Now, Felix wasn't usually a confrontational person. He avoided fights like the plague. But the fact that he had somehow gotten himself tangled up in Changbin's stealing games made him feel like he needed to speak up.

Changbin looked up innocently as Felix appeared in front of him, even daring to crack a slight smile.

"Well if it isn't-"

"I know what you did," Felix snapped, somewhat surprised at the words that were coming out of his mouth. This issue hit a little too close to home to hold back. Despite his harsh words, he found himself shaking a little "How could you?"

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows, seemingly confused at Felix's words. "What the hell are you going on about?"

"About how you're a thief."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Changbin scoffed, shutting his locker and crossing his arms. "I'm not a thief."

"So you're telling me you didn't steal snacks from a convenience store?" Felix challenged, crossing his own arms to try to hide the fact that he was trembling. There was just something about Changbin's piercing eyes and the way they were glaring right through him that instilled fear within him. "You can't think of an answer, can you?"

"I don't owe you any answers," Changbin scowled as he stormed away from his locker and pushed his way through people crowding the hallway. Felix could have gone after him to find out what happened, but his reaction to the confrontation was enough for him to know that Chan had told the truth. Felix couldn't help but sulk a little, feeling disappointed that Changbin wasn't the type of person he originally thought he was.

"I told you Felix, he isn't a good guy," Chan said as he came beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder to comfort the younger boy.

"I know, you were right," he said sadly.

Chan thought for a moment. "You know what? I say we skip class and go get some food. Maybe that will help cheer you up, yeah?" he offered.

Although Felix was hesitant about skipping class when it was only his third day of school, he liked Chan's idea, and food sounded really appealing right now as he woke up late and had to skip breakfast.

"Sure, I guess that would help," he said with a slight smile.

"Perfect," Chan beamed, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Let me call some of the boys and we'll try our best to cheer you up."


Felix had nearly forgotten his encounter with Changbin that morning by the time he, Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung, and Jeongin had arrived at the crowded McDonald's that wasn't too far from their school. The boys were nothing short of supportive of him which helped take his mind off of all that had been going on in his life.

"Channieee, can you buy me a Happy Meal?" Jeongin begged as the five boys joined the line up to order. He even threw in a pout and praying hands.

"You're not five anymore, why do you want a Happy Meal?" Jisung judged the youngest boy. "If you were a real man you'd order a Big Mac with four patties like me."

"Because I'm baby," Jeongin whined, grabbing onto Chan's arm, who briefly swatted at the younger boy but eventually caved in and let him hold onto him.

"Real men eat thirty chicken nuggets. A four patty burger is child's play," Felix said as he poked Jisung's arm. He was finally starting to feel like part of the group and was finding it easier to joke around with the rest of the boys.

"Is that a challenge?" Jisung gasped as he raised his eyebrows.

"I can do forty, easy," Hyunjin chimed in.

"Okay, okay. Let's all settle down," Chan said, raising his hands in the air. "But for the record, I could definitely do fifty."

The boys went ahead and ordered their food. Jeongin was elated to see Chan had ordered him the Happy Meal he had desired so greatly. Due to being broke students, the rest of the boys couldn't really afford to splurge on a hundred nuggets for a competition, so they all settled on smaller meals. They chose a larger table by the windows and went to work on eating their food.

"I was telling Felix we should all go over to Jisung's place and play games sometime soon," Chan suggested, taking a huge bite out of his hamburger.

"And play Hellevator Online!" Hyunjin excitedly suggested as he pulled a large fry out of his McDonald's bag.

Felix's interest was peaked at the mention of the game. He had almost forgotten about it and the encounter he had with the group of boys that had given him a hard time for being bad at it. He was pretty set on putting the whole thing behind him, but the fact that his new friends seemed to be fans of the game made the thought of giving it another shot appealing.

"Have you played it?" Hyunjin asked Felix.

"I tried it once and I totally sucked," he admitted, withholding the details of exactly what had happened as not to embarrass himself all over again.

"Well you're bound to suck the first time you play it," Jeongin assured him as he assembled the toy that came in his Happy Meal. "The four of us play together on Wednesday nights. You should join us this week!"

"You know what, why not," Felix said with a smile. This could only make him closer to his new group of friends, which sounded like a win-win situation.

"Sounds like a plan. And Jeongin, make sure your mommy lets you stay up past bedtime so you can join us, okay?" Jisung said in a mock baby voice. Jeongin narrowed his eyes at him and clenched his jaw, all the baby talk from earlier coming back to haunt him.

The rest of the boys laughed. They spent the rest of the morning chatting over their food and teasing one another.

hey guyysss , quick question: what days would you prefer updates on? i'm pretty much finished writing the book and i just wanted to gauge how frequently/when you guys would prefer me to post new chapters. i was thinking maybe monday/wednesday/saturday (??) let me know :) hope everyone is having a good week! thanks for reading!

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