Chapter 32 - My Truth

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Gloria's wedding was incredible. The Mariachi band played music all night long. We danced and laughed. Gloria's tears would stop briefly before they flowed again. It's a dream come true for them. She's been in love with him for ten years, and now Carlos is finally her husband.

I'm bewildered; how are men so cruel to the world, men with guns, kings of the criminal life, capable of loving so strongly. Yet I just witnessed another monster be tamed and profess his love to a woman. When I look back at history, some of the world's worst crime lords, such as Al Capone and Pablo Escobar, had long-lasting and happy marriages. I can't help but think it's ironic!

I take another sip of my coffee and continue to wait for Katerina, now forty-five minutes late. That girl is always late! Frustrated, I stand and decide I'm not waiting any longer.

"Hey," I spin around and face Katerina unimpressed.

"The moment I stand to leave, you show up. I've been waiting for forty-five minutes."

"I'm sorry! I turned off my alarm instead of hitting the snooze button." She sheepishly smiles, "I'll order us coffee, yeah?"

Rolling my eyes, I take a seat again. She rushes to the counter and orders us fresh coffee. "So, you want to talk?"

Nodding, she takes a seat in front of me. Her nerves start to get the better of her as she begins to fidget. "Mina, there are a few things I want to talk to you about. One of those things is Tommy."

"Tommy? What about him?" I lean forward, hiking a brow.

Her confession has her brows knitting together, and she requires a minute to evict the lump in her throat. "I slept with him again."

I blow out a breath. She's drawn to The Gun, which could go either way, but knowing Tommy, my cousin will end up heartbroken.

She keeps her gaze lowered, losing herself in thoughts of him, and failing to hide her smile. "He came over last night. I gave in to him, but neither of us expects a relationship."

Her mouth says one thing; however, her expression tells another story. "Do you like him, Kat?"

Casually, she meets my eyes. "I'm attracted to him, and there's a side to Tommy that I like. But I don't want a relationship," she rebukes.

"Why? I need more than vague responses to understand, Kat. I promise you. You can talk to me about anything," I urge.

Anxiety has her shaking like a leaf. She avoids eye contact and focuses on the Morelli suits guarding the cafe. "Sam was a sadist," she blurts out.

I cease to breathe, and my heart barely beats. "Sadist?" I question, my voice weak. Tears cascade down her face, as she finds the courage to speak about it. It's overwhelming her. Taking her hands into mine, I give a gentle squeeze.

"I said no. I kept saying no. He didn't care. He put a collar on me." Her body trembles, her gaze remaining on the Morelli men. She can't look at me. I understand how it feels to be ashamed.

I don't want her feeling this way. She's brave and strong. "Katerina, you have no reason to be ashamed. Look at me."

Fusing her eyes shut, she sniffles, and shaking her head, continues giving me details, "There were rules. I wasn't allowed to get dressed. I was to remain naked until he said I could cover-up. Talking and seeing my family would be my reward for good behavior." She fidgets with her fingers and dislodges the lump in her throat. "Sex was painful. Floggers, bullwhips, gags. He used them all. What repulsed me the most is that my body would betray me, and I would always orgasm for him. Despite the fact, my head and heart hated every moment."

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