Chapter 6 - Raging Episodes

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I'm trying to make sense of tonight, and my thoughts are chaos. I'm conflicted. Matteo and Mariano approached me the moment I walked out of that café. Once again, the assholes didn't give me a choice, forcing me into the car. I either went with them, or Raffaele would come to my house. I'm not trying to hide Nathan; I just need to speak to the lawyer first.

So, reluctantly I went with them and ended up at a strip club. That, for a start, pissed me off. Jesus, walking into that lounge, watching that poutana - whore attempting to sit on his lap, had me ready to stab him and her both. Did I believe him when he said, "It's not what it looks like?" Fuck no!

His words keep ringing in my ears. Why is he toying with me? His assertiveness, that domineering Raffaele, kissed me. He almost had me buckling, bending to his will. Until my mind forced me to watch the day he left me. My anger soared. I just wanted to hurt him. Kissing Leon was awkward and unpleasant but necessary to prove that I can't be intimidated.

Although I'm pissed with all the capos, I don't want him to die because of my little stunt. Raffaele was ready to explode, clenching his jaw, nostrils flaring, and hands balled into a fist. I pushed through Matteo, Mariano, and Alex, who all stood stunned.

This situation is fucking suffocating. I want nothing more than to know why he left, but my anger won't allow for a conversation. I tried to speak to him and tell him about his son. He refused to answer my calls. Why should I listen now?

I sit on the kitchen bench, swirling my coffee and staring at the sandwich in front of me. I know this conversation between us is inevitable. Picking up my phone, I dial Raffaele's number. Will he still have my phone number blocked? I'm a little surprised when the ring tone sounds.


"Raffaele," I acknowledge. I didn't think this through. To be honest, I was expecting my number to be blocked or the call to be ignored. So, I think quickly and continue, "Listen, you and I will talk soon. I have something to say to you." I spit. I can't believe I'm giving him what he wants.

"When?" His voice softens and carries urgency. I don't want him to get hopeful.

"The day after tomorrow. Don't make the mistake of thinking this is about us. That ship sailed."

A heavy sigh is heard before he makes his promise, along with a threat. "Make no mistake, Asimina, I will not stop, Sweetheart, until you're back where you belong. Pull a stunt like tonight's again, and I will have you cuffed on your knees, watching as I slaughter the man like a pig."

With a sharp intake of air, he says, "Remember Mexico baby, how hot and wet you were for me. Is that why you're doing all this? Hmm, you want to see the Demon in action so that you can drop your panties?"

I can't believe the arrogance of this man. Is he for real? This asshole thinks he can just walk back into my life and climb between my legs. Fuck! I shouldn't have shown him so much of myself; now he's using my sick mind against me.

This side to Raffaele makes me weak to the core; my instinct wants me to submit. Shaking my head, I let my anger drive this one, but I don't think it through well enough, "No, baby! I have Troy, and he completely satisfies me. Your services Mr. Morelli are no longer required." I disconnect the call before another word can leave his lips.

Jaz stares, repeatedly blinking, trying to understand the conversation she just heard. I part my mouth to explain, but she raises her hand to halt me. "In Mexico, you watched him beat up someone, right?"

I nod. I haven't told her the full events. She is unaware he killed Gloria's father. "You got turned on?" she questions. I hum. There's no point in lying to her. "And did you just make him jealous of your dildo?" She laughs.

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