Chapter 10 - The Son

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The sinking and numbing feeling finally begin to ease. Relief washes over me. Petro and Laz didn't stop, not for a moment. Between compressions and defibrillator shocks, they managed to get her heart started. It took one transfusion, and not both bags to get color back into her face.

Each one of my properties has built-in medical facilities. These sorts of things in my world happen often, and our hospitals are not always the closets option. Once Asimina was stabilized, she was moved in here. I've stayed by her side, watching her lying on the bed, not moving a muscle the entire night.

Color has finally returned to her face; her chest rises and falls with every breath she takes. She's alive! I leaned in a few times, inhaling as she exhales, stealing her breaths. I never forgot how sweet and warm each one was. I've missed being close to her.

The events of last night have me more determined to bring her back home where she belongs. Kneel and beg if I must. The fear I felt was suffocating, thoughts of never looking into those green eyes again were shattering. The earth beneath me cracked and swallowed me whole. I would breathe when I remembered. I hoped my heart would stop along with hers. Last night was surreal. I almost lost her.

My world vanished of its color the day I let her go, and it would have forever remained dull if that heart of hers didn't beat again. Pulling my chair closer to the bed, I caress her cheek with my fingers and run them through her hair.

"I'm so sorry, I hurt you, Sweetheart," I whisper. I hate myself, but I had no other choice; It's still not a good enough excuse. I've hurt her deeply, and I will always regret it. Leaning over, I place a kiss on her forehead as Petro and Laz walk in to check on her.

"She should wake up soon. Her heart has had a regular rhythm all through the night, she's breathing on her own too," Laz advises.

"I can't believe she hates me that much. She prefers to die than have me help her." Petro says, while lowering his head and placing his hands in his pocket. "I regret it so much."

I look up at both her cousins. Stefano enters. "Petro," Laz grabs his attention. "Although you and I are not related, we are both first cousins to Mina. I have always treated you like family, like a brother, and that will never change." Sighing, he rubs the back of his neck. "I understand the reasons, I do. But it was wrong, Asimina holds family, honor, respect, and loyalty close to her heart. Her rules in life, and you broke each one of those."

"I couldn't risk it, Laz. You didn't watch that fucking live stream!" He breaths out defeatedly.

"I get it! It's not impossible to fix things. It's just difficult, go at her pace." Laz clasps Petro's shoulder, giving him a meek nod.

Stefano walks past the two cousins after their exchange. Ignoring everyone, he takes a seat on the bed, taking her hand into his. "Was this payback?" he asks and hums. "A little dramatic, Mina, to go into cardiac arrest, to top the times I've scared you."

Exhaling slowly, he shakes his head and continues to ignore all of us. He speaks to her as if she can hear. "I called Jaz last night. She wanted me to stay by your side, and when you woke up, drag your ass back to the house. She's ready to kill you for this stunt."

They have formed a strong friendship, which isn't hard to do considering Asimina's personality. Once they managed to get her heart going again, Stefano emotionally broke down. Picking up Asimina's phone, he made his way outside, taking a seat in the Mustang.

This was my chance to play big brother. I made my way to the Mustang and sat in the passenger seat, spending an hour, sitting in silence with Stefano. Both of us were trying to process all the events that occurred mere hours ago. That numbing feeling lasted all night for him and me. Once he had composed himself, he called his fiancé, advising her Mina was hurt. He held back on the details.

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