Chapter 20 - How It's Going To Be

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Kat and I sit having coffee while searching online for furniture. I need to replace a few things after I smashed them the day Nathan went missing. My mind travels to Paul. His ring on my finger suddenly feels tight. I shouldn't be wearing it; what I'm doing to him isn't fair. I've always fallen back on Paul, but it's because of our friendship, and the feelings I know he has for me.

Last night I honestly felt like I was cheating. This sickening feeling consumed me. No matter how hard I try, I can't see myself standing at an alter across from Paul. He deserves a woman who can give herself entirely to him.

"How about these?" Kat flicks the laptop screen around, glancing at the ash stained furniture. I nod. I'm not fused, I just want somewhere I can rest my coffee cup. "Yeah, they will do. Where's the store?"

"It's only forty minutes away, here's the address." She takes a picture of the furniture pieces with her phone.

"Alright, let's go." Standing, I grab my handbag and make my way to the door. Kat scrambles to get her stuff together and follow. She frantically throws things into her bag.

There's a sudden vigorous banging on the door. Jumping back, my heart goes into overdrive. Kat freezes, her eyes widen. "What the fuck?" she whispers.

Before I can respond, the banging continues more aggressively. "Open the fucking door, Asimina."

My heart stops; my blood runs cold. Raffaele's voice roars as he continues to bang on the door. At this rate, it won't only come off its hinges, but it will break into pieces. Kat loses the color in her face; she's petrified by the sound of Raffaele's animalistic voice. Taking in a few deep breaths, I click the lock and turn the knob. The door flies open, banging against the doorstop.

Kat, frozen, takes slow breaths, her mouth hitting the floor. I divert my eyes to the savage animal in front of me; he dangerously gawks back. Raffaele's livid breaths have his nostrils flaring, his chest rapidly rising. Taking menacing steps towards me, I move backward holding his stare. Each vein in his neck and hands pulsates. Oh, the Demon is here! I'm on the other end of his rage. My breathing becomes rapid, as my back hits the wall. I have nowhere to go. His eye contact doesn't falter; those dark orbs are flaming.

He's struggling to contain his fury. Balling his hands into fists and gritting his teeth he orders "Get her out of here."

My eyes snap to Mark, Sal, and Tommy walking towards a stunned Kat. Her eyes travel between Raffaele and I. Seizing her arm, Kat turns and looks at Sal. "What are you doing?" she asks in a panic.

"You need to come with us," he prompts, trying to calmly, but urgently haul her along.

She rips out of his hold, and declares defiantly, "Like hell I am!" She looks towards me; fear starting to consume her.

"Mina, what is happening?" she asks.

Raffaele's heated breaths are inches from my face. I'm searching for answers, but coming up completely blank. I have nothing for the first time, not one thought.

"Move!" Mark becomes a little more aggressive with her taking steps towards her. Kat snaps, bringing her knee up, she connects hard to his groin. Mark's breaths get caught; he falls on the sofa. Spinning around, she attempts to run, only to have Sal take hold and pull her back into his chest. Her anger soars, she brings her head forward and slams it abruptly back, head butting Sal. His hold loosens as his vision blurs, and blood trickles from his nose.

I try to squeeze past Raffaele to get to Kat, pushing me back, his fist furiously connects to the wall, stopping my movements. I sweep my eyes from his fist embedded in plaster, up to his forearm, and finally, meet his eyes. His jaw clenches, and his eyes narrow as he warns, "Don't!"

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