Chapter 11 - Hell Hath No Fury

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"Our son!" she screams—my body tenses. My grip on her tightens.

"They're after our son!"

My heart repeatedly slams against my rib cage. The muscle ceases to beat as it drops to the pits of hell. My eyes are locked on Asimina, anguished she stares back. It's heart-shattering. Eyes are referred to as windows to the soul. The statement could not be any truer, seeing her pain and shattered soul through her green orbs. It's the most painful experience I will ever go through.

"Let me go!" she demands, as my grip keeps tightening.

She hisses in pain, her features grimace. Yet I can't let go of her. My body, mind, soul, and heart are entirely out of sync. I can't register. The words, our son, scream in my head, every part of the Demon and Beast die.

My father clasps my shoulder, urging me to let go. Tommy, Antonio, Mark, and Sal join him. Clenching my jaw, I release my hold. I don't want to hurt her!

My eyes stay glued, watching her frantically pace and Stefano trying to calm her down. She's crumbling, the pain is rotting her away right in front of my eyes, and I can't move.

Stepping in front of me, my father blocks my view. I lock my jaw, almost breaking my teeth. "Mettiti Insieme - pull yourself together," my father demands. I continue to fall and burn in the raging fires of hell.

"Ecolpa tua se sei stato separato dalla tua donna e dal tuo bambino - it's your fault you were separated from your woman and child," he reminds me of my choices.

This is the reason she kept calling; she was pregnant. I had my men heartlessly do my dirty work, while I watched through surveillance. I couldn't. I wouldn't have broken it off. Watching alone tore me to shreds. It killed a piece of my soul. She fainted; she was pregnant.

Although my father's words are valid, it does nothing to keep my Demon at bay. To destroy everything is what it wants. Turning to the cupboards, I lay punches cracking through the timber, the rage in me prevents me from feeling pain. My knuckles split with every hit, painting the cupboards red with my blood. The boys jump on me, trying to pull me away, attempting to stop me from damaging my hands.

They should know better; the Devil unleashed is unstoppable. Turning abruptly, I rip Sal's hold off me, slamming him against the cupboard.

"Raf," he yells, trying to snap me out of my raging state.

Mark tries to pull me off his brother. "It's Sal, Raf let him go," Mark pleads.

Asimina's screams pull me away from the hurricane in my mind. "Yes, I have a son! Why do you think I wanted you in New York, just over ten months ago?" she screams at Nat. Her throat vibrates, her face reddens from anger. Both sisters sit there, stunned as guilt engulfs them.

Petro's eyes are locked on Asimina. His brows are drawn, pain radiates off him. He's slowly and painfully dying.

"Nathan!" she cries. "Oh, God, please! I can't lose him, Stefano. It will kill me!" Shaking her head, she once again becomes frantic. Laz pulls her into his embrace. Trying to hold her together.

"Where are my keys?"

My mother has fallen to her knees, crying into her hands. "Non-lascriare che accada niente a mio nipote - don't let anything happen to my grandson," she begs us all. If anyone knows Asimina's pain, it's my mother. Tommy and my father stand next to me, both in shock, watching our mother crumble.

"Mina, we will protect him," Tommy promises.

Her bloodshot eyes look at my youngest brother as she cries. "He's just a baby, Nate isn't a year old yet."

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