Chapter 32: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Kait’s POV

 He’s kissing me as I get ready to leave, when he leans in and whispers. “I wish you could stay.”

I smirk at him. “Why? Hoping to enact some of your fantasies?”

“Maybe.” He’s not amused now. “Maybe I just like having your company.”

“Well I hope you enjoy it while it lasts.” I say, looking at him carefully.

“Why? Planning on pulling a disappearing act on me?”

“Of course not, that would be stupid. Why would I disappear now, when my life is just starting to get back on track?” I grin at him, and he clearly can’t help but grin back.

“I need some kind of code word, we need some kind of code. As in the four of us…” He trails off, unsure of how to continue.

“Why?” I ask.

“Just in case one of us needs each other, and we don’t have a lot of time to explain that we need help. A code word.”

“So what, you plan on introducing this concept to Jack? I’m fairly certain he’ll laugh in your face.” I snort.

“Just to prove you wrong, I’m texting Jack.” He sticks his tongue out at me.

“Call him. So he can laugh and you can hear it. I dare you.” I throw it out there.

“Okay, I will.” He says, feathers clearly ruffled now. He hits the number, but then he frowns, lowering his phone. He looks puzzled, turning to me. “He’s not answering.”

I’m impatient. “Maybe it’s because you only waiting ten seconds before getting impatient.”

“No, Kait, it went straight to voicemail. Tell me, how often does he turn his phone off?” Dan sounds a little annoyed, but I don’t see any reason to be anxious yet.

“When he’s with Anna?” I suggest half-heartedly.

“No, he leaves it on even then. In case one of us needs something.” He sighs, stuffing his phone in his pocket, but before doing that, he quickly texts Jack.

“What were you texting him about?” I ask, unable to help myself. I’m sure it’s nothing, he’s probably just busy, or he forgot his phone, or something like that. But there’s still that lingering doubt ingrained in my mind.

“I just texted him that the four of us needed a code word or something, a way of knowing when help is needed, and I asked what he’s up to.” Dan shrugs, trying to be nonchalant. But I know him too well for that. “You should get home. No matter how much I want you to stay.”

“I only wish I could.” I whisper.

He smiles at me, and kisses me one final time. As I drive away, I see him watching me in the rearview mirror. I check my phone once I’m home again, only to find a series of texts.

From Anna.

Anna: PTSD

Anna: As in, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Anna: As in, I’m screwed…..

“Oh crap.” I say, checking the times. She sent the last one over an hour ago. Maybe Jack is with her. I hope for her sake that he’s with her. Because I don’t want her potentially suffering alone, in her house, with her family.

I text her back.

Kait: Anna, are you okay? Is everything okay?

I don’t get an answer, so I stare at my phone. I just wanted one night of worrying about mundane things. Of not worrying about my friends.

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