Chapter 22: Pre-Trial Prep and Problems

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Dan’s POV

We head down to Virginia in less than a week, and Bates is getting more and more nervous by the day. He’s called the four of us to meet at Anna’s house, where Jack has been spending most of his time. He’s going to talk to us again, because he keeps telling us that he’s working out the details of what will happen while we’re down there.  

When I arrive, Bates is waiting, and everyone is sitting around the table without me. Even Kait’s beaten me here which is pathetic. At least to me it is. Bates looks tired, the mug of coffee in front of him clearly not enough to wake him up. The bags under his eyes show he hasn’t been sleeping.

“How many cups have you had today?” I ask, sitting down across from him.

“This is my fifth.” He says drily. “I finally was able to crack into Benjamin’s mind. He confessed this morning. However, he hired an extremely expensive, renowned lawyer to defend him.”

“But we have an iron case against him.”

“Yet whether he gets the death penalty or not… that depends on if we get a judge sympathetic to his situation, whether we are able to convincingly testify… if there is even the slightest doubt that he’s guilty, then he’ll get life, or worse, he’ll get off.”

Anna turns pale at the mention of Michael- Benjamin getting away. But Jack seems somewhat enthusiastic. “I’ve been spending a lot of time helping their forensics team.” He says excitedly. “We have undeniable evidence. DNA doesn’t lie.” He smirks.

“Maybe you’re the one who should be the cop.” Bates says. “Although how I went from being a grizzled OPP officer to a damn babysitter still mystifies me.” He chuckles, taking another sip of his coffee. “However, it’s been decided that I’ll be the one escorting you to Virginia. The FBI has generously found us a rental house, for the trial. It’ll be the four of you, Jack’s mother, the security detail, and I. We’re flying down next week.”

“What day?” I ask. It’s Thursday today.          

“Monday morning.” Bates remarks. His phone rings, and he excuses himself to answer it.

The four of us are left staring at each other. It’ll be a grim task, attending the trial… But if we put that monster behind bars, won’t it be worth it?

Anna sighs. “How am I supposed to do this?” She asks, looking mildly upset. “I’m going to fail school. I’m taking classes online right now, and trying to keep up with the work… but it’s so hard.” She looks down.

“Anna, you’re going to be okay.” Jack tries to reassure her. “Anyway…” He leans over and whispers something in her ear. She smiles, blushing, looking down at the table. Kait is sitting next to them, but when I shoot her a questioning look, she just shrugs.

“So…” She says. “I really hope this is on the OPP’s budget.”

“Hey watch it.” Jack says, looking at her. “I personally want to hear more about that house we’re staying in.”

“Why?” I ask. “What does it matter?”

“Well duh, Dan.” He says, looking at me. “I want to know where we’ll be living for a few weeks.”

“He has a good point.” Anna says, jumping to his defense like always. It’s funny, she’d defend any of us to the death, but when we turn on each other, she generally goes immediately to Jack’s defense. I’m so used to it by now, I don’t even comment. But I am certain of one thing. Since she’s been released from the hospital, I doubt that they’ve spent even one night apart. Tara and Jack seem to be staying with Anna’s family until everything gets sorted, or so I’ve pieced together from the security detail.

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