Chapter 18: Finally

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Kait’s POV

Dan only shows up ten minutes late, and when I give him a weird look, his only explanation is. “I was meeting Jack.”

“Oh.” Is my answer. “How is he?”

“He’s doing okay, he’s a bit upset.”

“Why?” I ask, confused.

“Anna’s sick.”

He kisses my forehead, then sits down, crossing his arms. I can tell there’s more to it than he’s telling me. “There’s something else, isn’t there?” I ask carefully.

“No, no, nothing.” Is his distracted answer.

“Dan.” I say, a warning.

He looks up and sighs. “If you must know, I found out why Anna is keeping her distance. Jack told me.”

“So why?” I ask, sitting up straighter, knowing that I’m about to get to the bottom of this mystery.

“She’s only going to live until her forties or fifties. She also will have trouble… having kids.” He says quietly. “She’s frightened and depressed, Kait. We have to help her.”

I stare at him in shock for a few seconds, before I look away, putting the pieces together. “So she’s afraid to speak to anyone, and then… she’s alone.”

“I assume that thinking she’ll be alone with protect her.” He comments.

“But it won’t, and it’ll hurt the people she loves.” I say, feeling irritated. “It really bothers me.”

“I can tell. How are you feeling today?” He asks, smiling.

“Fine.” I answer. “I’m fine.”

“You’re lying.” He says.

“I’m in a bit of pain, but it’s nothing.” I reassure.

He rolls his eyes. “Always playing the tough guy, aren’t you Kait?”

“Gee, some things never change.” A voice, that somehow sounds familiar calls from the door.

I turn and stare at the newcomer, shocked to see my old friend.. Richard.

“Rich?” I ask.

“Rich?” Dan mutters, then speaks up. “Who the hell are you?”

Rich looks confused. “I’m Kait’s… uh… friend.”

But the look he gives me is clearly more than friendship. Oh shoot. He still likes me…Why?

“So who are you?” Rich asks Dan politely, smiling at him, and I groan inwardly, because this will not end well.

“I’m Dan…” He says through clenched teeth. “I’m Kait’s boyfriend.

“I didn’t know she was dating anyone.” Rich comments innocently.

“It’s a recent development. Why are you here?” Dan asks, and I can see him switch on his Protective Boyfriend 101 mode.

“I came to visit.”

“Clearly, judging by the way you’re looking at her, you were once a sort of boyfriend, and you’re feeling slightly nervous, your hands are shaking, that’s a new shirt you’re wearing, clearly worn so you could look good to see an old flame, your normally messy hair is combed, which means you’re making an effort, and you are hoping to restart whatever relationship you had with her, judging by the fact that you’re holding your new cell phone number in your hand.”

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