Chapter 25: A Near Miss

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Dan’s POV

Morning two days before the trial. Everyone is getting nervous now. Everyone is getting really nervous, in fact. Tara wants to take Jack shopping to get him some proper clothes for when he’s testifying. She drags Anna along with her, saying a critical eye is important.

Bates, Kait and I volunteer to stay behind and keep an eye on things. Chris and Holly got called out on a case, and Harkness wanted to go home, claiming that he spends too much time here. He promised he’ll be back soon.

So right now, it’s the three of us, because even Steve and Portia are out, busy with their own work. I think they’ve borrowed the FBI’s lab for the day or something.

I’m in the basement with Kait, recalling an incident from earlier. She’s sitting on Jack’s bed, as we did promise Bates that if we were allowed to hang in my room, we’d behave. He kind of ordered us to sit on different beds.

“So anyway, I walk in here, and there’s a sock under my bed. It’s not mine, so I hold it up, and ask Jack if it’s his, and he just turns bright red. He then proceeds to blurt out that it’s Anna’s!”

Kait smirks. “You’re joking.”

“And then of course I’m shocked, so we just stand there staring at each other. And then he proceeds, and I’m not even joking, to say that he was tickling her and pulled her sock off.”

“Did it look as obvious as it sounds that he was lying?” Kait asks, chuckling.

“It did! I was like ‘Ok then…’ and by the way you owe me.”

“What makes you say that?” She asks.

“My bet was right.” I say. “They so did it.”

“They so didn’t.” is her sarcastic reply. “I know they didn’t.”

“Why, are you watching the cameras 24/7 now?” I ask, crossing my arms.

“Dan. You should know them better than that!” She snaps.

“How so?” I ask. “If there’s clothing scattered on my floor that belongs to Anna, then I’d safe to say that they did it!”

She laughs, incredulous. “No, they didn’t. What about the other night?”

I immediately know what night she’s talking about, and I blush at the thought. “What about it?”

“Clothes came off.” She says.

“Not all the clothes.” I remind her.

“Enough to have left clothes behind, Dan.”

I sigh. “What are you implying?”

“That they could have done the same thing as us!” She replies, smirking again.

“Look, Kait, I don’t agree.” I say neutrally. “They clearly are enjoying themselves, whatever you say.”

“Are you saying the other night for us wasn’t a good time?” She asks, grinning.

I stick my tongue out. “Shut up.”

“Or what?” She asks, unimpressed.

“I’ll come over there, regardless of what Bates says.” I reply, smiling evilly.

She leans back against the wall. “Won’t hear me complaining.”

“I know I won’t. You’ll be too busy with me to bother complaining.”

She sighs, rolling her eyes. But she does offer a smile.

I almost want to tell her I heard her the other night, but I don’t. Instead I ask. “So do you know if anyone is getting laid around here?”

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