Chapter 14: Recovery

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Anna's POV

I wake up early the next morning. Having regained some feeling in my limbs, I can feel the pain throbbing dully underneath whatever pain medication they have me on. But the pain that comes with every breath is a reminder that I haven't died.

"Your heart stopped beating twice during the surgery." My mother's words come back to me. I almost died. I came so close, but apparently... I'm meant to do more important things... I sit up, gasping in pain. My dad walks in, and sees me struggling.

He rushes over. "Anna, what are you doing?" He asks worriedly.

"Dad." I say, focusing on his face. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure." He says, sitting down by my bed. "What can I do, sweetheart?"

"I need you to go find me a piece of paper and something to write with, preferably a pencil."

He nods. "Anything else?"

"Can you please call Kait for me, and tell her to call Dan as well, ask them to visit this afternoon?"

"Sure thing." My dad says. He stands up and does a cheesy bow, smiling at me. "As you wish." But it looks like there are tears in his eyes. He leaves, hopefully to go get me my paper.

He comes back in in a few minutes, holding a piece of paper, and a pen. It's not perfect, but it'll work for me.

"What do you need this for?" He asks, standing over me, as I try and write. The pencil feels awkward in my hand, and I can't seem to get a proper grip on it. Finally I'm able to scribble out a list of names.

Parents (Caroline and Leonard Peterson)

Skyler Peterson (sister)

Kaitlyn Barron

Daniel Sawyer

After I'm done writing, I hand the list back over to my dad. He looks it over, then asks me. "What is it?"

"It's a list of people who are allowed to visit me. Can you give it to the nurse at the nurse's station?" I ask gently.

"Certainly. I should probably go and call Kait now. Your mother and sister will be coming in later this morning to visit. Since they're on the VIP list, I'm sure you won't mind."

His words coax a smile to my lips. He walks out of my room, leaving me to lie back against my pillows and focus on trying to breathe. I'm drifting back off to sleep, as my dad walks back in, followed by... a doctor?

"Hello Anna, you probably don't remember me. I'm Dr. Holloway, the doctor overseeing your case." He says, offering a kindly smile. "We're still trying to assess how much damage has been done by the bullets. We're waiting until the swelling in your abdomen goes down."

"So what exactly is going on?" I ask, struggling to sit up again.

He puts his hand up. "At ease, Anna. Well, as far as we can tell, the bullets didn't damage anything vital... however it is my responsibility to inform you that you have lost a lot of blood. You'll need blood transfusions..." He trails off. "Also you will be in the hospital for a month or two, just to recover."

"A month or two?" I ask, horrified.

"Because you were shot in the abdomen, the risk of infection is higher." He explains. "However I will continue to personally keep an eye on you. I heard you're already getting picky about who visits you?" He asks teasingly.

"Yeah." I say. "I don't want most people to see me in a hospital gown. Privileged few get that." I smile, because he just seems pretty nice, for a doctor.

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