Chapter 27: Testify

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Jack’s POV

It’s early evening when we get home, and as soon as we get in the door, Anna rushes to hug Kait- who is currently sitting on the couch with Dan, trying to talk him into watching NCIS with her. Once she does that, mum yells.

“Jack, Anna, I want you helping me in the kitchen!”

“Okay.” I say, picking the bags of groceries back up off the floor, as Anna follows me over to the kitchen, dropping the groceries on the island.

Mum hands us both plates, and says. “I want you two to listen to me right now.”

Anna and I exchange a look. Oh damn it. I think, annoyed. But I just grab the plates, and we both nod.

“You two need to be more careful, and not get caught. I will speak quickly, so no one hears.” Her voice is low, and slightly angry. “If you are not virgins at the end of this trip, I will hold both of you responsible. Anna, if you get pregnant, I am pulling the plug. I will not stand by, and let the two of you ruin your lives over a few moments of hormones. I am an adult, and capable of acting responsibly, but you are two teenagers, who let your hearts rule your brains. I know that you two have not done anything too inappropriate- if I can call doing a strip-tease for each other not that inappropriate- and you two both need to relax. You have your whole lives to enjoy each other. Anna, I want you to wear white at your wedding and actually mean it. I want you two… to abstain. And if that’s too hard, I will personally keep both of you locked in separate rooms. Do you understand?” Her eyes are lit with righteous anger.

My cheeks feel like they’re on fire, and I’m pretty sure both Anna and I are blushing bright red. Anna just nods. “Yes Tara.” She mumbles, feeling ashamed.

But is either of us really ashamed? I wonder. Ashamed of what we’ve done?

“Yes mum.” I can’t even look at her, I’m actually really embarrassed. She must have seen the security footage. One stupid afternoon. It wasn’t even that long. But one glance at Anna, and I have to suppress the thoughts of her in her white lace. White. A color representing innocence.

As I set the table, along with Anna, my mother’s words ring in my ears. “Anna I want you to wear white at your wedding and actually mean it. I realize that yes, white is the color symbolizing virgins. And Anna and I both plan to remain in that status. Hopefully. My mother was right, and I’m certainly shamed into obeying her.

Kait walks over, and asks. “How were the testimonies?”

“They were okay. We didn’t really learn anything new, and Mr. Weatherly couldn’t get in any reasonable doubt. Our testimonies will be the ones that nail him. I’m sure of it.”

“Are you?” Kait asks, and she’s smirking. She seems… fine. But what happened last night? There’s a spark of fear in her eyes, but Dan yells.

“Kait! Who the hell are these people and what do they want with the President?”

She runs over, grinning. Anna whispers. “I think we have a new Probie.”

I grin. “You’re joking, right?”

“No. But it will mean I’m not the Probie anymore.” She hasn’t seen Kait come up behind her.

Whack! A nice, upward slap to the back of the head. “Nice try, Probie, which by the way you will always be, and I will convert him before long.” She’s not pleased. “He doesn’t like Kate.”

“That’s a freaking felony!” Anna snaps back. “That’s like not liking Ziva!”

“You didn’t like Ziva for an entire season, Anna. I wouldn’t talk!”

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