Chapter 17: Escape, Confessions, and Pain

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Dan’s POV

It’s the next evening, when I walk into Kait’s room. She looks up, not expecting me.

“Good evening, Kait.” I say.

“What are you doing here?” She asks, sitting up, grinning at me.

I smile back. “I see you’re wearing normal clothes.”

She glances down for a second, then grins. “Course. I told my parents I would shoot someone if I had to spend one more second in a hospital. Why?”

“Because.” I say. “I’m busting you out for a few hours. Let’s go.”

“How do you plan on sneaking past the front desk?” She asks.

“I…” I haven’t thought about it.

She sighs. “Hopeless! What time is it?”

“It’s just before seven.” I reply, glancing down at my new watch.

“Good. At seven, the shifts switch for the nurses station. So if we just walk and act casually while they’re switching the nurses, we should be able to escape undetected. However, it would be more fun if we sneak out the window.”

“But your ribs-.”

“I know.” She cuts me off. “I’m dealing with it. I know I can’t do any CIA-style stuff, or I’d have broken out of here a while ago.”

I laugh, and hold out my hand. “Shall we?”

She rolls her eyes, but does take my hand. “I didn’t take you for a romantic, Sawyer.”

I put my other hand over my heart, as if she’s hurt me. “Ouch.” I say. “That hurts. I am a man of many talents.”

She looks over, and cocks an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Sure you are.”

“Come on.” I say, We walk out into the dim hallway, acting as casual as we possibly can, until we pass by the nurses’ station, then out the door.

We walk over to my car, and she slides in beside me. “So.” She says. “What are we doing?”

“I was thinking of dinner. What are you hungry for?”

“Hmmmm.” She looks at me. “I don’t know.”

“Okay, time for an intervention… Pizza, pasta, burgers, uhhh.”

“Running out of ideas already?” She teases.

“I can’t think… Uh… salad, places to eat… hmmm.” I look over at her. “Question?”

“Potential answer, what?” She looks over.

“I came into a bit of money, so how does the Rainforest Café in Niagara Falls sound?”

“Sure.” She shrugs. “Fine by me. Do we have time to drive out to the Falls, though?”

“We’ve got all the time in the world.” I say, leaning over and giving her a quick kiss. She smiles at me, and I start the drive to the Falls.

After we order our food, we’re sitting amidst the tropical plants and animatronic animals that define the café.

“So…” Kait says. “Have you heard from Jack or Anna today?”

“Did she tell you what happened with Jack’s dad?” I ask tentatively.

“If you mean that he’s trying to force Jack to move across the country, so that Jack is currently living with Anna, then yes I’ve heard. Unless there’s something new?”

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