Chapter Eight: Christmas Day

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Dan’s POV

I’m so frustrated by now, that I almost just quit. “Right now, it would be easier if we just escaped!” I snap, throwing my hands up in frustration.

“Come on, Dan.” Anna says, looking tired. We’ve been at it for an hour, with no results, except bad moods.

“Sorry.” I sigh.

“There must be some way, it can’t be impossible.”

“Well it must be, seeing as we still haven’t made a plan!”

She rolls her eyes, and she’s irritated. “Tell me again, what is the hurry?”

“You know what, even if you don’t care that Kait will die, I do care!!” I snap, standing up.

She stands up too. “I care too, Daniel!”

“Since when do you call me Daniel?” I ask, concerned.

“Since you became an idiot. Oh wait, that’s a given!” She turns, takes a deep breath, and turns back to me, tears in her eyes. “She’s one of my closest friends. I don’t know what she is to you, but that’s what she is to me. We should take a break. We’re getting sick of each other.”

“Fine.” I say. She walks upstairs, and I walk to the window seat, sitting down, staring out at the snowy landscape. Anna, can be a pain, but can also be a companion. She’s not that terrible at kissing either- Holy crap, where did that come from?! I wonder, turning red, even though she’s not here. I still don’t know if I even like her, and there’s the matter of Kait to contend with. My mind keeps going back to our sensational (if only in dreams) kisses. They made me feel as though I really loved Kait, but maybe I do really love Kait. It shouldn’t be a surprise to hear this from myself, but it’s all I can do from breaking out, going to find her, and professing my love for her. I want to be with her so badly, I can almost feel her next to me. I close my eyes, willing it all to be a dream, to wake up, and go back to life. But when I open my eyes, she’s still home, and I’m still here, wherever here is.

Anna’s POV

I can’t help calling him Daniel. It just slips out. I don’t want to betray Kait, I don’t want to lose one of the best friends I’ve ever had. Does he have any idea? I know he said I’m obvious but I know that he can never feel the same way towards me. Ever. He loves my best friend, any fool could see that. Any fool but me can see it, and they give up. And I should be, but he’s so intoxicating. He’s trouble, but I’m drawn to him, and I’d be a fool not to take the opportunity that lies before me.

Then suddenly, I can’t help but think of the night we played Truth or Dare. My hand rises to my lips, recalling the powerful spell that overcame me, when I kissed him. I smile, thinking of Dan. Then I force the thought out of my mind. I can’t afford to think like I’m thinking. It’s not fair, the situation we’re in isn’t fair. I look around my room. Then my eyes settle on the window. Would I be able to climb out? I doubt it.  So instead I watch the world outside, knowing that life is moving on out there. Then I get an idea. Why not try the window? So, I walk over, and open it, it’s not locked! It could… be a trap, I suppose. I’m too excited to care right now. So, I climb out, onto the ledge and start making my way onto the roof. When I’m far enough up the roof, I sit there, my pants becoming damp in the snow, and the snow falling down softly around me. I don’t know how long I’m up there, but I hear a noise behind me, and right as I turn, I’m hit hard in the back of the head. I’m out before my body drops.

I wake up, in the master bedroom of the house, alone. I move to get up, but then I realize that I’m handcuffed to the bedpost, sitting on the floor. I try and blink, my vision growing fuzzy, and my mind going blank. But I guess that even if I get out of the handcuffs, the door will be locked, because I have no luck, whatsoever.

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