Chapter 9: Freedom

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Dan’s POV

I’ve been running for so long now, I barely notice my gasping breaths, and the pain in my legs is easily ignored. Kait is still passed out, dead to the world, but I’m not upset. I don’t care how much pain I’m in, because having her here in my arms is… surreal. I can hear Anna panting, and I call out. “Anna!”

She catches up, wheezing. “What?”

“Are you okay?” I ask. She looks terrible.

“Fine… Just not… good at distance… running…” She pants. “What?”

“Take a break?” I offer.

“Oh I thought you’d never ask.” She says, collapsing on the snowy ground.

I stifle a laugh, looking down at Kait.

I lie her down, shoving the snow aside from my foot. We’re in a clearing, so near the trees, there’s less snow. Her eyes flutter open, and they go wide. She sits up, fear in her eyes. She gasps in pain as she sits up.

Anna runs over. “Thank God, you’re awake!”

Kait now looks happier, upon seeing Anna. However, when she meets my eyes, she turns away, as though determined to ignore me. But she was looking for me too. We both know it.

“Kait…” Anna says, and rushes over, surprising Kait by hugging her. “You’re okay!” Over Anna’s shoulder, Kait shoots me a glare, clearly trying to understand, piecing the information together, and thinking back to NYC.

That’s a bit of a lie. There are cuts and bruises all over her face. Even I can see that in the dim lighting. But I don’t care. “Kait.” I say. “You should rest some more. Anna?”

She turns to look at me. “What…?” She asks.

“We should keep going.” I say.

But even as I talk, I see Kait starting to piece it all together. She must know that we’re quite far away from the house. Anna couldn’t have carried her, she’s not strong enough. But I am. However, I don’t say anything.

I ask Kait. “Kait, want a piggyback ride? You shouldn’t be walking.”

She nods. “Sure.” She says, albeit reluctantly.

She climbs on, and I call out to Anna. “We’ll take turns.”

She nods. We start walking. I want to say something to Kait, want to explain to her. I need to tell her, sooner rather than later. But I don’t want to do it in front of Anna. I don’t want to hurt her.

After a while walking, I suggest. “Guys, it’s late. We should make camp.”

Anna, looking exhausted, sets Kait down. Kait walks a bit away from me, and lies down. She’s asleep in seconds. Anna just drops.

I toss and turn on the cold, hard ground, but I can’t make myself fall asleep. Finally, when I’m sure both the girls are asleep, I crawl over to Kait. I shake her shoulder, trying to wake up. She sits up, panicked, and the next thing I feel is a fist in my face.

“Ouch, dammit, it’s just me!” I snap.

“Dan?” she whispers.

“Yes.” I answer.

“Sorry.” She says, sounding extremely guilty. “I didn’t know it was you.”

She sits up, slowly, and once she’s sitting, I can’t help myself. I pull her into a hug. Suddenly I can’t think of anything except her… in my arms. Surprised, she doesn’t do anything.

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