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I stormed into my house with Izzy in my hands, wrapped up in her blankets and in her small baby coat. I was so glad that my parents had gone Christmas shopping so i had the house to myself to just think.

Why did Noah have my baby? What did he try and steal her? What on earth was wrong with him? I went upstairs and put Izzy in her cot as she was falling asleep in my arms and then laid back on my bed.

After thinking it through for a while i decided to grab my phone and call Ozzy. Before i could even touch it, it started vibrating and lit up. I checked it and it was Ozzy calling me. I sat up, sighed, and then press answer.


...So is it true?

Is what true?

Izzy isn't mine?

What are you talking about? Of course she is.

These sheets from Noah say otherwise.

I could tell he was angry but i could also hear the sadness in his voice.

Sheets from Noah? Noah? Whatever they say your really gonna believe it?

There was a long pause before he continued.

Maybe, yes, no, i don't know. I-, talk to me tomorrow Richelle.

Then he hung up. My phone lingered by my ear for a while afterwards. Did he really believe that Izzy wasn't his? Of course Noah would try to put that in his head. I held my eyes shut, trying to erase everything, and eventually fell asleep.


I woke up to Izzy crying and groaned, but was surprised when I opened my eyes to see Ozzy, rocking her in his arms and shushing her. I smiled at them for a split second before yawning widely. Ozzy spun around and saw me awake, i could tell he was trying to fight back a smile.

"Good morning," He told me, almost blankly. I gave him a quick smile and sat up straight in bed. After Izzy had calmed down a but he put her back in her cot and sat on the end of my bed. He just looked at me, not saying anything. I looked back at him waiting for him to speak first.

Soon he sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry," he said "I'm sorry for everything that happened yesterday"

I, still looking at him, smiled and got out of bed to sit at the edge with him. I rested my head on his shoulder while wrapping my arms around him.

"I never blamed you," I told him. Then we both got up and i went into my bathroom to wash up and get dressed, Ozzy waiting in my room on his phone and watching over Izzy. When i came out he looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back. I could tell he was still feeling a bit awkward around me though. I went to him and hugged him again.

"Stop looking worried, everything's fine" I told him, and then kissed his cheek. I left my room to go downstairs, Ozzy following. My mum was in the kitchen finishing making some breakfast and my dad was in the sitting room watching tv. Me and Ozzy went into the sitting room and sat on the sofa either side of him.

"Morning sleepy head" He told me, laughing. I kept sneaking looks at Ozzy and i noticed he kept looking back at me. My dad noticed and looked at us both. We both turned away. "What? Do i stink or something?" He asked, laughing again. I looked at Ozzy and rolled my eyes, making him smile.

I wanted to be like this with him forever.


Richelle's mum walked into the sitting room with two plates of pancakes. She gave one to me and one to Richelle. I thanked her. She then came and stand in front of the tv, which angered Richelle's dad.

"me, and John..." she said, beckoning for Richelle's dad to stand up. He immediately stood up as if he had just realised something. "...have some very exciting news for you two!"

Richelle's dad nodded and smiled "Since you two have been doing such a great job of looking after Izzy, mostly by yourself,"

"We have booked you two rooms at a holiday house for a week!" Her mum finished. Me and Richelle both looked at each other, wide grins creeping up on our faces.

"You can invited two other friends as well, and you'll be back just before christmas!"

Richelle couldn't hold it in and started squealing. She jumped up and hugged both of her parents at the same time. I soon got up and joined the hug to show them i was grateful too.

I already knew i was gonna bring Kingston and i was guessing Richelle would bring Jacquie.

I was so happy, and it couldn't be better timing as me and Richelle just made up. I couldn't wait for this week away.

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