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Later that night, Ozzy called me as I was putting Izzy in her cot.

Ozzy Richelle...

Richelle What do you want?

Ozzy I'm sorry that Emily made you the alternate, but why are you mad at me?

Richelle Why didn't you tell me that Winnie was taking my place?

Ozzy Taking Your place? Richelle no one could ever replace you!

Richelle You didn't know?

Ozzy I found out after you left. Why would I do that to you richelle?

Richelle I-, I don't know, I'm sorry.

Ozzy *sighs* it's ok babe.

Richelle *Izzy crying in the background* I've gotta go help Izzy. I'm sorry again for doubting you. I love you.

Ozzy I love you too, good night. And tell Izzy I love her too.

Hangs up.

I was mad at myself for doubting Ozzy and thinking that he would set me up like that. I was glad he didn't get mad at me for it though.

I went to Izzys cot again and picked her up to start rocking her in my arms. "Shh, I've got to actually sleep tonight little Iz" I told her quietly. "Even if I won't be doing much." I said upset. I still couldn't believe Emily, the person I considered blood, would do something like that to me.

After Izzy stopped crying, I put her back in her cot and she fell asleep. soon after i went to my bed and fell asleep too.

the next morning i didn't want to get up and go to the studio. For the first time ever i actually didn't want to go to dance. and it was all because of Emily.

I got up anyways because i heard my mum talk to Ozzy at the door downstairs. he came up to my room and found me just sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Are you alright? we're gonna be late." he told me as he walked through the door.

"i'm not going in today." i told him, still facing the opposite way. i heard him sigh as he came and sat next to me on the bed.

"richelle i know your mad about what emily did but your still the best dancer on our team regardless. you cant let this stop you." he told me, putting his hand on mine. this time i sighed as Izzy started crying and i went to go console her.

"I'd rather be here with Izzy anyways." I told him while picking up izzy and rocking her.

"you want to dance right?" he asked standing up. i nodded. he walked to me and took izzy from my arms.

"then you go in and tell emily that you'll have to take my place today because im not going in. I'll look after izzy for the day." he told me rocking izzy who was calming down now.

i looked up at him, "you'd do that for me?" i asked.

he smiled, " 'course i would richelle, i love you."

i hugged and kissed him while smiling widely before quickly getting changed to go to the studio. I hugged and kissed him one more time before heading out the door to go.

when i got to studio A i practically skipped into the room. "Richelle wheres ozzy? he's late." emily asked as i entered the room.

"hes not coming in" i told her still smiling. "So i get to dance right?"

emily sighed heavily and pulled me to the side so a-troupe wouldnt hear her.

"you can dance the 10 person routine, richelle. BUT, only for today." she told me. "and tell ozzy i know what hes doing, and its very nice of him, but he cant fool me."

i nodded and sped walked to join the team in practising the 10 person dance.


i did genuinely want to look after izzy today. i was her dad and i barely got to be with her. i took izzys stuff from the cupboard to get ready to go to my house and saw a book in there, probably her diary.

i wasnt normally the type of person that would go through other peoples stuff, but i mean richelle tells me everything anyways so it wouldnt change anything. would it?

i opened the book straight to the back first and smiled when i found a whole page with my name written in different handwritings and colours.

i flipped back a few pages to one of her most recent entries and skimmed through it. i paused when i saw the word "marry".

the whole sentence said : me and jacquie played truth or dare at my house today. she asked me what i would do if ozzy proposed to me. i honestly don't know how i would feel if ozzy wanted to marry me.

i hadnt even thought as far as marriage yet, even though we had a child together. i put her diary back quickly and put izzys stuff in my bag before going downstairs, saying bye to richelles mum, and then leaving.

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