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It had been a few weeks since I had Izzy and the doctors cleared me to dance again. I was so pumped and happy to start dancing again after 9 months.

I started tomorrow but I came in today so that the rest of the troupe could meet little Iz. I carried her in my arms as ozzy pushed the buggy behind me. As soon as I walked into studio A I heard Jacquie gasp and scream.

She ran up to me and immediately started admiring my baby. "She's so cute, and small. Say 'Hi auntie jacquie'" she said.

I laughed at her "She can't speak yet Jacquie, it's only been a few weeks".

"Oh yeah" she replied. Soon all of a troupe was crowding around us, taking turns to hold her. Izzy was surprisingly calm and unproblematic, which she definitely didn't get from me.

"Hey Richelle, I know your meant to start tomorrow, but why don't you do a little dance for us?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, we've missed your dancing" Kingston said while everyone else agreed.

I rolled my eyes "why not?" I said while carefully handing Izzy to Ozzy.

Emily put on some music on her speaker and I started freestyling in the centre of the room. I felt so free and alive while dancing, I forgot it felt this good.

At the end of the dance everyone clapped and cheered. Ozzy even made izzys tiny hands clap by controlling them with his own. I grinned hard, I loved this team. They were my family.

I went back to Ozzy and took Izzy from him, rocking her in my arms. "I can't wait until you come back, your stronger than I remember!" Emily told me, patting my back. I smiled at her as she played with Izzys cheeks a bit.

Finn came over to me and Izzy and started playing with her too, which made her start crying. Ozzy, Henry and Kingston all started laughing at him.

"Ahh that's sad, she don't like you" Henry teased. Finn looked really confused which made me giggle a bit too.

"I got this one" Emily told me before taking Izzy out of my hands and bringing her outside to calm her down.

"I wonder how Emily's so good at this stuff?" Kingston wondered.

"She was probably just born a great mother" I replied shrugging.

"By the way, my mum offered to help look after Izzy tonight if you want a break? She feels like she's barely got to see her grand daughter" Ozzy told me.

"Even thought she comes over to mine everyday," I added, making ozzy laugh and shake his head.

"So that's why she's always gone when I get back from rehearsals," he said still laughing. I started laughing too.

"You two can have Izzy tonight then" I told him. He smiled and came to put his arm over my shoulder.

"Does this mean we can finally have a girls night?" Jacquie asked excitedly. I nodded while smiling, which made her squeal and jump up and down while chanting "GIRLS NIGHT!"

I laughed at her as Emily came back in and handed Izzy to me. She was fast asleep with her dummy in her mouth.

"Wow Emily your good, what did you do?" I asked, shocked. I couldn't never get her to sleep that quickly.

She put her finger to her mouth, "a magician never reveals her secret" she said before going back into her office. "Oh, and rehearsals are over." She called out.

Ozzy went to get his dance bag and the buggy before following me and jacquie out of the studio.

We walked out of the building and started walking down the street to the bus stop to get to Ozzy's house.

I nearly bumped into ozzy as he froze. "Oh Hey ozzy! Hey Jacquie! Long time no see! What's the buggy for?" I heard a voice say. I stepped out from behind ozzy still carrying Izzy and I froze too as I saw who was there.

"Richelle... Is that your baby?" Noah asked, staring at me in shock. I nodded. "Aww, how cute. Can I touch it?" He asked reaching out for Izzy.

I stepped back at the same time ozzy stepped infront of me to block Noah. "First of all, she's not an it. She's Izzy. And second, nothing gives you the right to touch my daughter." Ozzy said, clearly mad for Izzy.

"Come on, Richelle I've know you forever don't be like this." Noah pleaded. I shook my head hard, turning around to protect Izzy from him.

"Stay away from her!" I told him while turning around and walking away with Ozzy and jacquie close behind. I heard Noah's footsteps turn the other way and we decided to walk to the further bus stop to avoid seeing him again.

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