Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Melissa's P.O.V.

"I can't fucking do this!" I exclaimed while throwing yet another dress on the floor.

"Yes you can. He's your mate for gods sake! I know it's your first date with each other, but you don't have to be nervous." Sophie said making me roll my eyes.

Exactly! It's our first date together of course I'll be nervous.

"You know you can bring your little butt here and help me, right?"

Sophie was just sitting on my bed all comfortable while I'm here freaking out.

"Naw I'm good. I'm sure you can find something nice to wear. Thanks for the suggestion. Anyways, where is he taking you?"

Oh god this girl. I love her though.

"It wasn't a suggestion. I don't know where he is taking me. Every time I ask all he says is 'it's a surprise'."

"I don't care if it was a suggestion or not. Awe that's sweet. I wonder where he'll take you."

She can be such a bitch sometimes. I really need the help.

"C'mon Soph. I need your help!" I laid down on the floor, looking up at the ceiling.

"Alright. Alright. I will if it would make you shut up."

20 minutes later and here I am all ready.

Sophie picked me out an outfit, did my make up and did my hair.

My hair was curled and flowed down my back. I had on black skinny jeans and a cream coloured sleeveless button down flowy shirt and black ankle high wedges. My make up consisted of mascara, black eye liner, some eye shadow and light pink lip gloss. (a/n: look at the photo on the side.)

"Guurrrl! You look hot. All thanks to me." Sophie said while flipping her hair back over her shoulder.

"Oh shut it! You clearly didn't want to do anything just sit on my bed and look at me suffer. I had to beg for you to help me out so shush, but thanks I really like how I look." I said while standing in front of my full mirror.

"Well, I should be leaving now. Good luck, babe." She smiled and I smiled back.

"Going to meet the mate?" I teased wiggling my eyebrows.

She blushed and grinned wide, "Yeah. He wants to take me out."

"Getting some, eh?" I laughed while putting on my heels.

"God, we are just going on a date it's not like we are meeting just to have some steamy hot--" I cut Sophie off.

"No details, okay? I still want to keep my ears innocent. Now if you don't mind please keep your details to yourself."

She started laughing at me and I was just giving her a blank stare. When she sobered up she replied, "I'm sorry. I just love teasing you."

Just as I was about to reply the doorbell rang.

"Well, I guess my date is here." Soph just winked at me and slapped my ass.

"Go get 'em."

I walked down the spiral staircase and went to go open the door. When I did there stood my Greek God of a mate clad in a white button down shirt with the two top buttons undone, dark jeans and black and white converse. I had to admit he looked super hot. His hair was a bit of a sexy bed head look type of way.

What I didn't notice was the two roses he had in his hands.

"Hey." I breathed.

"Hi," he said. Adrian was checking me out and then when he was finally done he looked at my face and said,"You look beautiful."

I blushed and looked down and said, "thanks. You look ravishing."

He held out the two roses and handed them to me.

"Ravishing?" He said while smirking.

I nudged his shoulder and said, "Shut up. I didn't know what to say!"

"How about I look hot?"

I walked outside with Adrian and locked the door.

"Naw, I've seen better." I said while walking towards his car. I heard him growl and grab me.

"What did you just say? Because I know you didn't just say what you did. There is no other guy that can make you feel like I can. There is no one that can make you scream their name out in bed. YOU. ARE. MINE." He growled out. He was practically shaking.

I've got a possessive alpha mate.

"Yes. Yes, I'm yours. No one else's just yours." I said trying to soothe him.

"Who do you belong to, Melissa?" He breathed down under my ear making my shiver.

"Yours." I whispered.


"I belong to you, Adrian." Then he started kissing my neck. I moaned and felt him smirk against my neck. Cocky bastard.

"I love it when you say my name."

>_< >_< >_< >_< >_<

We have now reached our destination. In the car ride I kept trying to get the answer of where he was taking me, but I never succeeded. That stubborn little fuck.

I guess it was worth the wait since we are now parked outside of an amusement park.

He cut the engine and got out of the car. I saw him run all the way to my side of the car and he opened the door for me.

Wasn't he romantic.

I guess the amusement park date is a little cliché, but I mean who doesn't love a little clichè in their lives?

We walked hand in hand to the ticket stand and Adrian bought two. When we got the tickets we walked in the park.

"What do you want to go on first?" Adrian asked while looking down at me.

"I'm not really sure. How about the Farris wheel?" Even with heels on I still had to look up at him.

We went on the Farris wheel and when we were at the top I saw all the houses and cars driving. It was a nice view, but when I looked up at the star filled sky the view was even better.

This first date was amazing I mean he did win me lots of stuffed animals and we took plenty of photos. We even got some cotton candy. We rode lots of rides and just had a night full of laughter and smiles.

If someone would ask me what was the best day of my life I'd say my first date with my mate because today was just amazing. No doubt I'd also say the day I met him or the day I've moved to California because no matter how bad my past was the present and future will be the only things taking up my mind.

Why would I want to think of the horrible things that has happened to me in the past? I've met amazing people and found the one that I will love forever even through faults.

Running away and moving out here was the best decision I've ever made in my life. I found out I've actually been abducted when born and my real parents thought I was dead. I've got three brothers and most of all they are royalty. Who would've known I came from a family of royalty?

At least I know that I've actually got parents that care and love for me even though I've just met them.

All theses thoughts are swarming in my head as I'm laying in my bed remembering the events of today.

I closed my eye lids and let the darkness engulf me.


New update. Hope you all enjoyed it! Vote/comment.

I think this chapter is probably short so I'll be updating a new chapter soon or tomorrow, whenever I finish.

I'm really glad that I've reached up to 600 reads. Thank you all. It means a lot!

I'm real close to reaching 700!! Eeep.

~ Jasmine xoxo.

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